proper care

  1. almondandcashew

    Almond's Bladder Stone & Advice

    Hi everyone! I have been a long-time lurker of this forum and wanted to share my boy Almond's recent experience with bladder stones and ask for prevention advice. Almond and Cashew are my first piggies so I am new to dealing with bladder issues and want to ensure I'm doing the best I can. 5...
  2. ripcoconuttheguineapig

    Complete Care Preparation: Trying To Put Product To Good Use

    I am somewhat new to guinea pigs, as in for a week in 2021 I had coconut in a starter kit due to the sad mistake of completely trusting a pet store, [ WHICH IN NO CIRCUMSTANCE SHOULD BE DONE KNOWINGLY OF OTHER SOLUTIONS] who ended up getting ringworm. After having a hamster and giving it the...