pregnant guinea pig

  1. H

    A miracle conception?!

    Hi there, first time poster, long time Guinea Pig Mum. This is an interesting story so strap yourselves in for a bit of a ride... The past couple of weeks I had noticed in my female Guinea pig (Honey) a lump had formed in her stomach and was sticking out from her side. Unfortunately my car was...
  2. Hnrpiggies

    Is this the right amount of veggies per pig? Also, do pregnant guineas need extra?

    sooo I made a post in another category because it was about housing and someone pointed out that I was feeding them the wrong amount of veggies (there was loads of kale and spinach- too much calcium) so I read the link and changed up their daily veggies a bit. Is this right? I have each pig: 2...
  3. T

    I think my guinea pig is pregnant?

    Hi, I'm not a native English speaker so sorry if I screw the grammar or something. I bought my 2 Guinea pigs on October, almost November, I remember seeing that both were females, but now in January I've been noticing that molotov, one of my guineas, is kind of big and pear shaped, something...
  4. Maithri Suvana

    A different type of mark on guinea pig's stomach

    Hello Everyone! I noticed a weird mark on the guinea pig's stomach (refer to the picture attached) and I wanted to know if it's some serious illness. The guinea pig's behavior is completely normal. Eating and drinking fine. breathing is also fine. She is active. Additional Fact: She gave birth...
  5. Pxhione

    Is my piggy pregnant?!

    Hey fellow piggy lovers! I have 3 Guinea pigs, all female. They are all abyssians and they all had a vet check before I brought them home. Caramel, Paris and Sunny have been with me for 4 weeks but they were about 7 weeks old when I got them from a shelter... they were abandoned in a box...
  6. D

    My brother dropped his guinea

    My twin took his guinea pig out to show his girlfriend, but when he went to return him to his cage, he jumped out of my brother's hands and fell on his shoe. My brother said his legs were twitching a bit when he fell, but when he gave me the piggy, he seemed fine, just shaken. His legs seemed to...
  7. D

    Could My Piggie Be Pregnant?

    I got two Guinea pigs from the local shelter about a week ago. My first pigs! The shelter knew very little about the pigs medical history, and they thought one of the pigs has a vitiam C deficiency because her fur is very coarse and stands up weirdly, and she has bald spots behind her ears. But...
  8. MunchCrunch&Co

    Massive Piggy - Bloating?

    Hiya First time posting on here. I adopted 2 female guinea pigs 3 weeks ago. Once of them (Muffin) was much bigger than the other (Puffin) but I kind of went with the idea that she was a bit overweight. When I posted a photo online of her last week I got many people telling me she looked...
  9. Ever

    Is My Guinea Pig Pregnant?

    I got a female guinea pig from my local shelter about 22 days ago. I noticed that she was a bit large compared to my other female rescue guinea pig that I got from somewhere else. I was told that she was between 1 and 2 years old. I don't know much about her history, but I know that there was a...