
  1. toodledoodler

    Intermittently strange poo?

    Hey everyone, my boy Fred (2,5 years old) has had some tummy troubles for around a month now, during that we’ve been to 3 vet visits and he’s had his molars filed down, presumably his stomach got weird initially because he ate very little hay because of the tooth issue. But now (2 ish weeks...
  2. toodledoodler

    Clumpy poos

    Hey everyone, I noticed yesterday that one of my boys Fred had some poops with a little tail, and then today when I woke up he had done a few poos like the pictures I’ve attached, clumpy-looking. Most of his poos are normal, maybe a bit smaller than usual (second picture). I have a vet...
  3. G

    Baytril Concerns- Possible UTI? (Urgent)

    Hello all! I have a guinea pig named Meeko; she is 5.5 years old! I adopted her from a rescue since she was a month old, so I have watched her through all of her life stages! This past weekend, I noticed that she was sitting hunched/fluffed out in her pigloo. (It's clear so it was easy to see...
  4. Sr. Cappu

    My guinea pig COMES to pee on me

    Hello, My piggy and I are new to this forum. I have a female guinea pig for 2 months already. I was told it was 5month old when I received it so it should be around 7months old. I have been very pleased the first month, but started to be puzzled then. I have two problems with her, and I think...
  5. Queenjellybeany

    Mucus in poop?

    Hello all! My 3 year old pig keeps getting tummy problems and I’m not sure what to do? Every now and then (like every other month so?) she’ll squeak when she poops like she’s constipated and can’t get it out. When she does push, her poo is normally quite wet and sticky? Today she was...
  6. Fiona1987

    Boar losing weight and lump after neutering

    Hello, I have 4 year old boar piggy Harold who’s been losing weight over the past month or so. I may be over worrying a bit too much but any opinions or thoughts would really help me try and figure out what may be happening or reassure. So just a bit of background context, Harold’s gone through...
  7. Fiona1987

    Guinea pig not eating

    Hello everyone, I’m wondering if I can get some advice or previous experience so I can help my little pig as I’m so uncertain what’s the best thing to do. I noticed my male guinea (3 1/2 years) eating and drinking less last Saturday afternoon. I decided to keep an eye on him for the rest of...
  8. M

    Clumpy poops

    Hello all! I am new to owning guinea pigs, I have had my piggies for about 2 weeks now. Both piggies are males around 4 months in age, their names are Milo and Mason :) Unfortunately, when I adopted my piggies they had a URI that the current owner was not willing to treat. So, I took them to a...
  9. MeganSambrook

    Going downhill - vet advice

    Hi our Bobby (boar) has recently had ‘tear drop shaped’ poo - only for a day or two so thought we would keep an eye on and thought maybe it was introduction of the new herbs. Today he has really not been his usual self, quiet in his little house and not coming out or eating as much. I had him...
  10. Hiitshannah

    On and off mushy poops?

    My 5.5 year old piggy Cashew developed very mushy poops on Monday. They were normal shape, but very soft, until the late afternoon when it was a pile of mush we had to extract from his bottom. We took him off veg, and started giving him pro-c. Went to the vets Tuesday and he didn’t seem...
  11. 0

    Ongoing small poop

    Hi there, My piggy had small poos and bloat before Christmas and was given emeprid, antibiotics and paracetamol. She gave the antibiotics to shift wheezing which has previously been diagnosed as allergies she said it could be but antibiotics would help anyway with the gut. The meds worked...
  12. Jesse's pigs


    Now I’m always going on about observing piggies poos as these are often the best insight into their health- now Steve’s has me baffled. So two days ago, he had the beginnings of another minor bloat episode (belly sounds like water balloon basically and he starts to sit around) I gave him his...
  13. furmom.pau

    Poop check pls

    My piggy has been on antibiotics for 8 days now and her poops are being weird ever since. We've been feeding her probiotics and syringe feeding hay and pellets to her. No veggies. At first she was always hiding, maybe because of the antibiotic side effects but now she's coming outside and...
  14. E

    Guinea Pig making grunting noise when passing cecotropes

    Hello, I am looking for some advice, I recently had my 7 month old male guinea pig, Winston, neutered (a week last Friday). Whist the operation appears to have gone well and he seems to be recovering well, over the past 3 days we have noticed that he is making an unusual noise when passing the...
  15. RachelLaura2012

    Pooing problems

    Dwight has had a rough 48 hours - we the morning before last that he hadn’t done a poo overnight, which was very very odd for him because he’s usually a greedy messy boy. After observing for a few hours, we noticed that he was quite tired and cuddly, whereas usually he’s feisty and doesn’t like...
  16. K

    9 week old skinny pigs poop question

    Hey! So 2 days ago I got 2 skinny pigs and I’m struggling a bit with them and struggling to find information online about them... When they came here their poo was softer than it should be but I’ve minimised watery veg and it seems to have helped... however, they are both still getting...
  17. K

    Does this look normal?

    One of my girls has a lighter brown poo color. They’re both eating, drinking, and acting normally. I’m just anxious and am wondering if this looks okay?
  18. eismith


    i am thinking of getting a handheld hoover for the poo's but what do people have as worried it won't work with fleece.
  19. S

    Guinea pig poop smells really bad

    Hi, I have 2 guinea pigs. 1 is 2 years old and the other 24 weeks old. They have shared a 3 x 5 cage now for months. I had the 2 year old first and never had a problem with a smelly room or poop. Only when I got another guinea pig the smell has got really bad. That bad you can smell it as soon...
  20. samji

    No poops (but eating, drinking..)

    Hi all I posted last week Bloat - help! Jack has been up and down. Another trip to the exotic vet last night showed from x ray that his gas has massively improved and has literally gone, he also feels squishy. In himself he is also largely the same. He has really good days and poops loads and...