#please help

  1. H

    Guinea pig not eating.

    My 2 year old girl called Esme has not been eating that much for about 2 weeks. We took her to the vets 10 days ago but they didn't know what was wrong with her. They said that her teeth and bladder were fine. They also said that her intestines seemed fine. They did say that she was too light...
  2. K

    My guinea pig is really sick

    Hello, i am posting this again, as it is an emergency. my Guinea pig Ferdinand isn’t eating. He is pretty old (I’d say more than 5 years) and for the last 3 weeks he has been slower, and sleeps more. In the last 2 days he has not been eating, we took him out of his cage to feed him mashed banana...
  3. D


    I went to get carrots and my I came back and one of my guinea pigs (I have two) starting doing a weird thing with his mouth and it looked like he was smiling then he starting twitching so I got worried and took him out of the room and later he starting have a spasm or a seizure and putting his...
  4. Concerned Guinea Pig Mom

    Please help

    Ok so my guinea pig her name is Paris she is a mix of different colors I got her last year on May 22 2020 as a birthday gift. I love her I really do but I just feel so detached from her is that normal? She also eats puppy pads which I try to get her to stop doing but it never works! What should...
  5. CharlieAndLolaPiggies

    Lost my Guinea Pig

    Hello everyone. I have a white guinea pig named Charlie, along with another one which is black, white and brown named Lola. I got them around October/September last year (2019) and have been loving them!. Recently though (today - 9/04/2020) I lost my guinea pig Charlie. I put her and her...
  6. T

    Bad Poops and Dirty Belly

    Hey, about a month ago I got my first pigs, but I have taken care of many before. My one pig, Teddy, has misshapen or crumbly poops and always has an awfully dirty belly, and appears not to clean himself. Anyone know what may be happening?