
  1. S

    Respiratory Infection not improving

    Hi all, I need advice. Monday i took my guinea pig to the vets as he had a little wheeze. By the time we got there the wheeze was gone and they listened to his lungs, heart, weighed him etc and he was in perfect health from what they could tell. Tuesday morning I went to check on him and he...
  2. K

    Hair loss

    Hello everyone! I am new to this app and also a New Guinea pig owner. My guineas; Ronnie and Reggie and both around 9 weeks old and have been fine so far until I noticed last week reggies fur above his eye has been falling out and today I checked up on him again and more hair has been lost! The...
  3. O

    new guinea pigs: how am i doing? anything i should know?

    hi all :) i bought my 6 week old guinea pigs yesterday from a pet store (i couldn't find a rescue near me). one is crested (crystal) and the other is an american (lulu), i was told they are girls. they're currently living in a 2x5 c&c cage with a corflute liner. i've also lined the corflute with...
  4. Little Pigs

    Guinea Pig Breeders

    I was a little taken aback after discovering how truly hated breeders are by the vast majority of guinea pig owners. Now yes, I completely 100% agree with the reasons against breeders: yes there are too many in shelters, yes it can be dangerous for the sows and yes, people should not breed with...
  5. yayoiharuko

    Ideas for Bigger Cage

    Hi all, I currently have my two pigs in the bare minimum for a cage, but have been looking for some way to extend it. (I don't remember how big my current cage is- probably around 8sq ft if i were to take a guess. I measured it a while back and would have to measure it again.) To kind of make...
  6. Konira

    Piggies Not Eating Hay!

    Hey, so i got 2 new guinea pigs a couple days ago (Both of them are about 3 and a half weeks old), I'm almost positive they are healthy, but neither of them are eating hay, they give small bites on the hay but never seem to actually eat big pieces... I wonder if this is related to them being so...
  7. Gemm24

    Bit Of A Rant....

    Hi! I have 6 beautiful guinea pigs and they are practically my life. I am constantly buying them toys/treats, taking photos of them, cuddling them, playing with them. I love them so much! I am currently building and sewing them some hammocks and hammock holders. Unfortunately some of my family...
  8. Kiko+Peanut

    How To Keep A Piggy Entertained

    So I have seen many methods of people doing different things to keep there piglets happy. Some really cool. Some really bad. Some just plain dangerous. What do you do to keep your babies happy?
  9. TheLottiediarys

    I've Found Some Beautiful Photos Of The Pigs!

    Here's Panny my first ever Pig! way back in 2007! He was amazing :) Here's Late Taini, She passed early last year, She was the first of my current herd, And rekindled my love of Pigs in 2012. Here's Bear my Neutered Male, Hes still with us at the ripe old age of 8 now with his lovely herd of 4...
  10. alli081

    Depression In Piggies?

    Hi everyone, I have 3 lovely piggies who live together full-time, 2 females (Muffin and Martha) and one boy (Ice Cream). Recently Martha and Ice Cream have been a bit unsocial, often hiding away under their castles for long periods, sleeping a bit more than usual. Muffin is behaving her usual...
  11. Nibsandtuft

    How Do You Keep Two Boars From Mating?

    Our two male guinea pigs ( tufty and nibbles) keep trying to mate with each other. Does anyone now how to stop them? Thanks
  12. Walky

    Very Quick Question About Loquat Leafs

    Hello. I have a Loquat tree in my house, and I'm wondering If I can give the leafs for my pigs to chew on. I recently ran out of hay, and no pet shop in the city has hay for sale until they contact the merchant again. They said next week they'll have it. It's a very small city. But in the...
  13. J

    Best Instagram Guinea Pig Account: @oursweetpiggielife

    Who agrees? Alwin and Lennox are the cutest pigs on the Internet.
  14. J

    Cute Guinea Pig Videos (taken By Me)

    And this Let me know what you think.
  15. J

    Cute Bonding Video Done At London Rescue

    Check it out here: I went to volunteer at a Rescue in London. I like volunteering because at the moment I'm so busy that I can't have any Pigs of my own. They're a small rescue but they're fantastic. They save the lives of abused and abandoned Guinea Pigs and it would mean a lot to me if you...
  16. Guineapigfeet

    Three Little Pigs Go Whee Whee Wheek

    not often they all line up so beautifully!
  17. ChloeCee98

    Love Love Love ❤️

    I love it when friends and family ask to come round and see the piggies! Does anyone else end up having people sat in the pigs room veggies everywhere and happy piggies showing off? Cos I do almost twice a week lol! They get so much love and attention. Also popped a blanket over MoMos side of...
  18. Guineapigfeet

    Officially Indoor Pigs! (v Wordy!)

    When I got my three girls the intention was always to keep them outside in a pig shed, which I had had made specially, partly due to my OH's hay fever. We realised in the summer that the position of the shed meant it was going to get far too hot and I scrambled for a c&c as a summer house. So...
  19. CharlotteR34

    Blood In Urine?

    Hi, just had my two pigs out, they are both males and I noticed these little marks on my fleecy blanket. When I touch it it's wet so its fresh. I've tried looking at the colour an it's a mix between pink and brown, so I don't know if it's a UTI or when they've pooped and peed at the same time...
  20. CavyIris

    Make My Guinea Pigs Trust Me?

    Hello! I'm just wondering if its normal that my guinea pigs still dont trust me after about three weeks? They dont come up to me or accept their favourite foods from my hand. And they never come out when I'm by their cage. And i would also LOVE some tips on how to bond with them more, (two...