penis problem

  1. K

    skinny pig w swollen skin around penis

    hello, my skinny guinea pig dorian has a very visible swollen skin around where his penis would peek out (photo). he's eating well, doesn't show any signs of pain even when i touch it. however it looks inflamed(?), red and quite concerning. what do i do? unfortunately i don't want to rush him to...
  2. YodelingYotes

    4 week old Guinea pig penis keeps protruding out

    Hello! One of my Guinea pigs is 4 weeks old, and with wiping and warm water his penis will go back in, but then start poking back out once again shortly after. Not only this but poop keeps sticking to his penis when it is out. I clean it off every time, but I don’t understand why this keeps...
  3. Ono&Lennon

    Please help! Guinea pig with lumpy, swollen protruding penis

    This is my 4.5 year old skinny pig Lennon. Last night i noticed two smallish firm, white lumps on the base of his penis. His penis is also red, somewhat swollen and sticking out. He is eating, drinking and running around just fine and does not seem to be bothered by it at all. We are calling...
  4. Aunty4Cavy

    Boar Penis - including picture. Insight needed.

    My friend has a Cavy Boar whose penis is enlarged and protruding. She called worried she might have to put him down... I'm Googling like mad for her and have found smegma buildup, prolapse, impaction, and infection as potential culprits. I have sent her videos to diagnose impaction and treat...