pain managment

  1. Cryptillian

    When to say goodbye?

    I hope it’s ok if I skip the usual care rundown since he’s terminal and I’ve done everything I can, I have been struggling so horribly with this because my grandma is also dying and one of our dogs has cancer as well. Going to start by saying Pumba is 7 1/2 years old and had a massive bladder...
  2. S

    Bladder Sludge and Pained Pooping

    Hello everyone, My wife and I's precious little girl (lovingly named Mouse), has developed a serious issue this past week. Starting two Sundays ago, we noticed that she had some pained vocalizing while peeing and pooping. She was also leaving behind an awful lot of bladder sludge out of...
  3. N

    how to reduce the pain of my guinea pig with Arthritis

    Hello all, My guinea pig fluffy was just diagnosed with Arthritis two days ago 😭He is about 5.5 years old. He has it in his spine and knees and it’s painful enough that he’s not walking. The vet prescribed Meloxicam for pain relief but he’s still crying when I pick him up to clean his poop. I...