Hi there! I have two 2 year old sows, one of which has been acting very odd recently. The two of them currently have a cold and what I suspect to be a fungal infection, they are yet to go on treatment for them.
But one (Moon) has been so hungry today it’s like she has never eaten before?!
I took...
My female pig Henry started having signs of hair loss, so I took her to the vet was soon as I could. As suspected, the vet confirmed they were signs of an ovarian cyst after feeling her inner part of her abdomen, and recommended surgery to remove the full reproductive system.
I figured that it...
Hi all
Sorry for the long post!
Looking for views on long term meds please.
This is for our lovely Mabel (age unknown but based on the rescue’s guess, she may be 3 years old, we got her when she was 1 and she came from a neglect situation). Mabel has some health issues:
She was...
My piggie has had a lot of hair loss due to ovarian cysts, and i’m worried it’s going to get worse, she has other symptoms but she’s overall doing well. The vet doesn’t recommend a spay, plus i don’t want her to have that done especially since she is 5 years old.
What could i do to prevent the...
Hi everyone
My guinea pig has been diagnosed with Ovarian Cysts after passing some spots of blood last week. We are opting to have both ovaries removed by our local exotic vet.
She is on an antibiotic, an anti inflammatory / painkiller and a medication to keep her gut moving. She seems...
I have a four year old female guinea pig named Louise, over the last few days she has not been herself and has been squeezing and hunching over while urinating. She is otherwise eating and drinking absolutely fine. We took her to the vets today and they have discovered a bladder stone and...
Hi everyone.
I posted a few months back about my Minnie losing a bit of weight. She was always around 1000 and she dropped down to 880-890. She maintained around there until this month. She went from 860 to 843 and then 3 days later to 794. She’s since been checked by a vet and she said she...
Nancy has multiple things going on for her right now so I'm going to include them all in one thread.
So over a year ago she nearly had her ovaries removed, vet thought she could feel cysts and her behaviour indicated it. But on the day of the op the vet couldn't feel it anymore so it didn't go...
Hi all,
Our 3.5 year old sow, Clarice, has this week developed swollen / enlarged lymph nodes. I lost my 5 year old boat to lymphoma last year so immediately I am in panic mode. I also this week have noticed that Clarice seemed to have “crusty” nipples and balding flanks / hips.
Our regular...
Hi, everyone. I am new here but i got some questions about my girl. She is 2.5 years old.
Around three month ago, i found out she got A crusty nipples. We went to vet, they said she is fine, that is normal, she did not got any serious illness and gave us some cream for her.
Start from a month...
My herd consists of 6 sows (Little Bean, Pumpkin Spice, Brûlée, CariBoo, Nutmeg and Monk Fruit) - all of which have been bonded and living together for over a year now. Over the past month or so, there has been some behavior changes that is raising some yellow flags in my mind.
Hi, I’m a bit lost at the moment with my pig Pip. She‘s 6.5 years old and has ovarian cysts. Myself and the vet have decided to not ‘treat’ them (ie. drain, spay or injections) but are rather giving her metacam to control pain. She‘s on a low dose of metcam at the moment as she didn’t react so...
I have a 6.5 year old and a 5 year old guinea pig. They have both had bladder issues since I got them. They both have been diagnosed with ovarian cysts. The exotic vet I saw for surgery consultation in Feb 2020 said that he didn't think they would survive the anesthesia and advised against...
I’m new here.
I’ve got two piggies both 3 1/2 years, Charlie (a she) has been off her food, crusty eyes and generally not herself.
Got her in the vets and she hasn’t got an URI, lungs clear etc but could feel a cyst and potentially one that had popped.
They’ve given her antibiotics, some...
Hi all. I wanted to post my experience here to maybe help someone who is going through what I went through of not knowing what was best to do after finding ovarian cysts on my little girl Pickles. I first ntoticed the crusty nipples and they were slightly enlarged. Never having owned Guinea Pigs...
Hello everyone, I have just created an account this minute as I really need your advice. (she has been to the vets lots of times for this)
My 4yr old pig Maisy has ovarian cysts. She had surgery to remove everything but stopped breathing when the anaesthetic was given. So they stopped before...
Older sows can be prone to ovarian cysts & also bladder stones stuck in their urethra. Please check your girls regularly especially if they are making any unusual noises. It usually affects over 4 year olds more but isn’t unknown in 3 year olds.
For ovarian cysts there are 2 things to look...
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