Hello all,
Before I start, piggie has a vet appointment already but I’m just after some advice, and a general idea of what to expect…
Izzie is 2 years old. We took her to the vet a couple of weeks ago due to a bald spot on her back, and on her side. She’s also gradually lost weight over the...
So i have a 6 year old female, she is super active for her age, and another female who is 3 years old.
So my 6 year old (Dumbo) has ovarian cysts, and some mornings i check on the piggies and Dumbo is chasing my other pig (Florrie) around, and her vulva is very very swollen. This morning I...
What are the options if you don't opt for ovarian surgery? I've had one pig through the surgery already and I'm not against it. But I could do with knowing the options.
Been aware Pumpkin has had ovarian cysts for a while but she previously had no symptoms, so we left them alone. Pumpkin has...
My piggie has had a lot of hair loss due to ovarian cysts, and i’m worried it’s going to get worse, she has other symptoms but she’s overall doing well. The vet doesn’t recommend a spay, plus i don’t want her to have that done especially since she is 5 years old.
What could i do to prevent the...
Hello everyone!
I went to the vet last week to have my 4 year old girl looked at. She found a couple small crystals on her vulva and an abdominal mass after palpation.
She recommended an x-ray and diagnosed her with the following after reviewing it: a bladder stone sitting in her urethra, an...
Hi everyone
My guinea pig has been diagnosed with Ovarian Cysts after passing some spots of blood last week. We are opting to have both ovaries removed by our local exotic vet.
She is on an antibiotic, an anti inflammatory / painkiller and a medication to keep her gut moving. She seems...
Hi everyone. My minnie just went to the vet because she has been losing weight continuously.
She had an uti last year around the same time. She seemed to get uti’s quite a bit and I know the vet had mentioned last time reoccurring utis can be a sign of a hormonal problems. She expressed her...
Those with female guinea pigs who have pain when weeing and stones have been ruled out or those diagnosed with IC please can you comment if your guinea pig has cysts or not as far as you are aware.
I read some research regarding mast cells and estrogen. Mast cells can be found in the bladder...
Hi all,
Our 3.5 year old sow, Clarice, has this week developed swollen / enlarged lymph nodes. I lost my 5 year old boat to lymphoma last year so immediately I am in panic mode. I also this week have noticed that Clarice seemed to have “crusty” nipples and balding flanks / hips.
Our regular...
Hi all, I am in desperate need of advice and help, my vet and the people around me aren't very supportive and my dearest Eevie is extremely ill.
A month ago we adopted a 4 year old rescue named Eevie, we actually went for another piggie and ended up taking Eevie as an extra, I cheekily asked...
Hi, Pip my 6.5year old pig has ovarian cysts which myself and our vets have agreed we are not going to treat so she’s on pain medication for the rest of her life. As she has fairly large ovarian cysts she is experiencing a fair amount of hair loss/bald patches. She not only has them on her sides...
Hey all! I'm in desperate need of some advice! My poor Wilma has a big bald patch on her backend, it appeared a day or so after she had given birth (accidental pregnancy which resulted in just one large stillborn boar). She is completely well in herself, eating and drinking, doesn't seem unhappy...
I just picked up my pet in order to do some cage cleaning and she has this on her nipples
I looked into it to see if she had ovarian cysts. I think it’s important for you to know that she is in a cage directly next to a male guinea pig. I often hear them rumble strutting and they have always...
Hello everyone,
My guinea pig Nymeria is peeing blood. I only found out today, to my knowledge yesterday this wasn't happening.
I immediately took her to an exotics vet and they took an x-ray and a pee sample. There were no bladder stones so the vet said it's possible it's either a urinary...
So back around May time, Honey was diagnosed with ovarian cysts, and the options we were given was to spay or have a hormone impnat put into the scruff of her neck. Obviously the spay would be a permanent fix, but the implant would cause less distress, and potentially be "safer" for Honey due to...
I took my guinea pig, Cleo (3 years 10 months) for a vet appointment today as there was blood in her urine. Other than that she is eating/drinking/pooping as normal and is her normal self.
The vet had a feel, couldn’t take a urine because there was nothing in her bladder and said it’s...
My poorly Lilly pig is just shy of her 3rd birthday and has been diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer.
I noticed blood in her urine, the only sign that anything was wrong. And with her cage mate not long having recovered from a UTI I took Lilly to the vets. I knew something was amiss as there was no...
Hi everyone. I've been meaning to post about Mabel's cyst situation for a while in the hope that it might be helpful to others.
We've now had Mabel for 4.5 years, when we got her from a rescue we were told she was 3-4 yrs, so she's around 7-8 years old. Our old lady piggy <3
In the last couple...
My girl Tablet started showing signs of ovarian cysts a few months ago after her babies were weaned; complete change of behaviour (previously very quiet, not the rumbling humping terror she is now), fat redistribution, crusty nipples. No noticeable hair loss, but she is a sheltie. I took her to...
My poor Tablet has had ongoing issues with ovarian cysts for a while now. We got her a hormone injection and it seemed to work but unfortunately in the past week or so things have come back worse than ever.
All three girls are having a very strong season right now and last night Tablet would...
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