outdoor house

  1. L

    Guineas Pigs soon, scared of mice

    Hi all We are getting 2 guinea pigs in about 6-8 weeks time. We have been researching lots but am unsure of a few things. My first worry is that I just read their food and hay can attract mice, Will airtight containers stop this? Also we are now debating if they should be indoor. Original plan...
  2. Swissgreys

    Member Gallery: Sheds

    Member Sheds Please use this thread to post pictures of your guinea pig shed. Try to include some information with the photo like: Where it was purchased/brand Any adaptations you have made What size it is How many piggies are kept in it How easy it is to keep clean/if you'd recommend it Any...
  3. F

    Adapt a hutch, build a small house or donate?

    Hello everyone, how are you all doing? So, my situation is pretty specific. I have had two female guinea pigs for like 3-4 months now, and they've been kept in an indoor C&C cage this whole time. However, I've had some extreme issues with my landlord (I live in Australia), and I'm having to...
  4. C

    How Cold Is Too Cold?

    Hi all, I have two lovely female piggies who I acquired earlier this year. They live outdoors, in a two level hutch that has mesh over 3/4 of the front, and then a 'bedroom' area with wooden walls all the way around so it's a bit more enclosed. I've been bringing them indoors when the...
  5. L

    Idea For Outdoor Home For 2 Boars...

    So I have found this hobbit hole on gumtree and was wondering if people think it would be fine. I currently have one boar, Drogo, but am hoping to adopt another very soon and then move them outside due to it getting nicer (Drogo goes out for the day anyway but don't want to put him out by...
  6. Cavy Kung-Fu

    I Want To Build A Piggy House!

    Hi guys, just looking for some advice as again, this is new territory for me! I've been looking at sheds/wendy houses/summer houses to be adapted into a piggy house for use in summer and winter, with loads of space to run around in, with the view of expanding my herd and with some sort of...