not drinking

  1. w3dnesday

    Guinea Pig Sad After Vet

    I took my guinea to the vets on Wednesday to get her nails done as she doesn’t like to be picked up. It was super stressful and upsetting for her. She didn’t eat or drink at all that day due to stress. Since then, she hasn't really been eating or drinking and trying to get her to move is a...
  2. P

    Not drinking

    Has anyone found their guinea pig has stopped drinking when they've moved house? I assume it's the change in water. Nancy has IC and she would drink when in pain and that would help with a flare. She's currently having a bad flare and I think this is in part the fact she isn't drinking now.
  3. Cooper & Chris Farley

    New Rehomed Piggie Advice Please!

    Hey everyone, thanks so much for all the love after I lost Cooper last month. I sure do miss him, he was just the absolute sweetest boy. I brought home a one year old male abyssinian mix last night, Pinocchio, as Cooper’s brother Chris needed a new cage mate. I’m excited that Chris will no...
  4. B

    Guinea pig not eating or drinking :(((

    One of my boys has stopped eating and drinking. He is about 10 months old (rescue so not exact) We noticed he was eating less 2 days ago (he did eat some celery and mint but only a little) but it leaving his pellets/nuggets mostly untouched and is leaving all kale/carrots/cucumber. Now his pops...
  5. C

    Recognising Signs of Heart Failure

    Hi everyone, I have a bonded neutered male and female pair that are rescues and I have had them exactly a month now. The little girl suddenly took a turn about two days ago and is exhibiting a lot of symptoms that align with heart failure: visible, laboured breathing where her whole abdomen...
  6. Y

    Sick Guinea pig- opinions

    Two days ago, Yuki started bullying Bumble and was excessively chasing and humping him… I mean this went on *all* day I also noticed him chasing him away from the food a few times, eventually Yuki stopped in the evening. Bumble is always submissive to Yuki but I could tell he was getting...
  7. D

    Guinea pig dropped from 10 feet

    Hi. My guinea pig was dropped from about 10 feet due to the mishandling of my brothers. She isn’t showing too many signs of injury, but is rather, not pooping, eating hay, or drinking water. I’ve been able to feed her lettuce but thats it. And lately, she’s been very aggressive towards me and...
  8. J

    Help- Anorexic and lethargic guinea pig

    Hi, this is the first time I’ve used this but I’m looking for advice. My guinea pig is 2.5 years old, she lives indoors with 3 other female pigs. She’s had no major changes that I can think of, but this morning she was off her food. We tried her with her usual chard, as well as green beans and...
  9. P

    Guinea Pig Sudden Behavior Change

    Hello Everyone, Long story short, I have a female guinea pig, about 9-10 months old, that used to be very docile, very friendly, not afraid of me (still hiding from time to time, but curious of my voice, when I'm near the cage, licking my fingers through the cage and outside, all good signs...
  10. B

    Piggy doesnt wanna drink

    My guinea pig doesn't wanna drink her water she runs around, eats food and is hyper active but I don't know/think she's drinking water I tried rubbing some cilantro on her bottle so it'll smell like it and so she'll try to drink but she won't budge I'm worried for her health and I don't know...
  11. Fiona1987

    Guinea pig not eating

    Hello everyone, I’m wondering if I can get some advice or previous experience so I can help my little pig as I’m so uncertain what’s the best thing to do. I noticed my male guinea (3 1/2 years) eating and drinking less last Saturday afternoon. I decided to keep an eye on him for the rest of...
  12. StevieWanda

    Piggies not drinking

    Hi, as we are going through a heatwave now, I have been taking measures to keep my pigs cool (frozen water bottles wrapped in a towel, occasionally wetting their ears, having a fan nearby). I have noticed they’ve been eating less fresh veg and practically not drinking water at all. They usually...
  13. S

    My guinea pigs are not drinking much

    Hello! I have two boars that are both around 13 weeks old. They are active and running around almost constantly, and they are eating well, but they don't drink much at all. Is this normal? Ever since I got them (which was like 8 weeks ago) they have not drunk much, but they are pooping and...
  14. M

    Inconsistent urine color

    Hi I have a 3 year old guinea pig who I’m finishing the treatment of a URI with doxycycline and enrofloxacin and about 2 days after starting the URI meds he stopped eating and drinking and I gave him critical care by oxbow for a couple days until he showed enthusiasm to eat and have kept giving...
  15. M

    Guinea pig still won’t eat or drink

    Hi, I’m really desperate for help. I noticed my boar Milo wasn’t himself just less than a week ago. He wasn’t eating much, wasn’t moving around, had a weepy eye and crusts around his eye, was really lethargic and not himself. I took him to the vet and they said it was an infection and he was...
  16. N

    Dental Advice after Dental Surgery

    Hi 👋🏻 My pig had dental surgery two weeks ago tomorrow but since then he hasn’t been eating or drinking. He still seems to be interested in food but just sniffs it. He hasn’t gone to his bottle at all since. I’ve been feeding him critical care in the meantime but it’s exhausting and very hard...
  17. H

    I need help please

    My guinea pig Maxwell seems to be sick and I'm not sure how. This morning I fed him and my two girls Hamtaro and Oxnard and he was squeaking and happy. I just got home and now he's all slow and he isn't eating, he seemed to be paralyzed but I don't know if it's that. He's barely moving and isn't...
  18. Kale

    Piggy mouth trouble, pawing at face and not drinking

    Yesterday I noticed that my piggy was having some mouth trouble. She occasionally makes a silent gagging gesture and paws at her face, which is of little use as her toes are curly. She is eating fine, though I noticed this morning she prefers hay over water. It is a bottle, so I'm wondering if...
  19. Maddii.Maddii

    Sudden water bottle avoidance.

    My 3 boys have suddenly started avoiding their water bottles! 😣 I've had 2 355ml Living World glass water bottles (photo attached) in their cage for almost 2 months now with no issues. I cleaned them out 2 days ago throughly with only water, Qtips and rice (to clean out the inside) and I...
  20. A

    Specialist Guinea pig suddenly not moving, but eating. Please hep me.

    Hello, So, its been 3 weeks now and all this started with him limping/walking funny, and falling to one side constantly. I was concerned and brought him to the vet to only have them tell me that they think he had blisters at the bottom of his feet or something along the lines of that. They...