neutered boar

  1. D

    Should I add a third pig?

    I have two lovely rescue girls who we’ve had for 2 years since they were 6 months old. I’m wondering about expanding and adding another piggie to the mix. Would this be cruel to them as they are well bonded and I worry about disrupting that? If we were to look at another one is there any...
  2. J

    Shy male and talkative Female guinea pig bonding. Any advice?

    Sorry if this is too long. So I have a 2 year old male guinea pig and I recently got a baby female to get him out of his shell because he is very shy. They are in separate cages for now until he gets neutered and even then I want to wait for her to grow up a bit so they'll be apart for a...
  3. M

    Neutered Guinea pig abscess

    I needed to reach out to you all because vet in our country is very backdated and not as promising. I need some help for my guinea pig baby. He was a healthy adult, male, weight :930 grams. He was neutered on 18th February. The following day due to not getting the right antibiotics for him...
  4. R

    Caring for a Boar after neutering

    Hello everyone, my Boar got neutered today. He is doing very well and is taking his medication, eating and drinking well. However, as he is currently asleep in his hide, I was wondering if I should have washed it beforehand? I apologise for the silly question, however he is my first guinea pig...
  5. earniethepiggie

    blood in urine

    Hi i’ve got a guinea pig who’s been recently neutered (10 days ago) his stitches are healing amazingly which is great however he’s on and off urinating with blood. He’s been to the vet for his neuter check up and they said to keep an eye on the blood in urine situation. He’s already on loxicom...
  6. Z

    Boy to girl ratio

    Hello all! I currently have 3 lovely ladies and 1 neutered man-of-the-house. I recently took in a neglected piggy. I won’t go into her living conditions, but I was glad to get her out. She been with us for a few days and doing really well! And I had plans to start dating her with the group and...
  7. Fiona1987

    Boar losing weight and lump after neutering

    Hello, I have 4 year old boar piggy Harold who’s been losing weight over the past month or so. I may be over worrying a bit too much but any opinions or thoughts would really help me try and figure out what may be happening or reassure. So just a bit of background context, Harold’s gone through...
  8. mochalily2020

    Overnight neuter procedure

    Hi everyone, My male piggie is due to be neutered this coming week and the vet had recommended he spend the night at their practice. However, when I asked if there is anyone there at night she said no which made me a little anxious because this means that from 9pm-6am there will be nobody...
  9. mochalily2020

    Neuter and cage mates

    Hi everyone! Our young boar is due to be neutered next week. I was wondering if he can be returned to the same cage as our two females (the two girls are spayed) immediately or if I should give it some time? Thank you all
  10. K

    Guinea pig neutered

    Hi. I was wondering if anyone could tell me how long the swelling is to be expected for my male guinea that was neutered 2 days ago?
  11. E

    Coping until boar is neutered and can live with sows

    I just brought home a baby boar (8 weeks) to eventually live with my 2 happily bonded sows (4 months and 3 months). He is living in an "apartment" next to their cage. They are showing great signs of liking each other (visiting, grooming, and "kissing" through the bars). The boar (Edward) cries...
  12. H

    A miracle conception?!

    Hi there, first time poster, long time Guinea Pig Mum. This is an interesting story so strap yourselves in for a bit of a ride... The past couple of weeks I had noticed in my female Guinea pig (Honey) a lump had formed in her stomach and was sticking out from her side. Unfortunately my car was...
  13. Mamich


    Hello everyone! I have a guinea pig who had been neutered nearly two weeks ago. His recovery, unfortunately, hasn’t been smooth. He had hospitalized and is finally home and on critical care. I just had the pleasure of fishing out a sperm rod with my bare hands. (Neither of us enjoyed that!)...
  14. MollythePiggylover

    Should I get a neutered boar for my group?

    First I would like to apologize if I put this in the wrong section of ¨daily care and travel¨ so please forgive me if I got that wrong. Our piggies will be getting a new cage this year! Therefore they will all live together instead of separately (we still let them have floor time together)...
  15. 4

    Boar bleeding after sterilization?

    Hi, I looked this up but couldn't find anything like that on the forum. I'm kinda freaking out, let me get right into it. We got one of my boys (a few months shy from being 1 and a half years old) neutered today. Everything's good and we trust our vet. We hand-fed him for a while. It's been...
  16. M

    How long till i can introduce my neutered boar to my sows?

    Hi, We netuered our boar a while back and are eager to try introduce him to the girls, however looking online and even here i have found very conflicting information about how long we should wait, in two days it will be exactly 4 weeks since his surgery, is it ok to indroduce him now? i have...
  17. EllieAndChester

    Neutered Piggy Not Acting Normal

    This past Monday my little guy got neutered. The vet told me he'd be okay in about a week, but I've begun to worry about him. Out of my two, he is my most active, vocal, and friendly. I have seen him eat, so to say he's not eating would be a little far fetched. He eats his vitamin c tablet in...
  18. GeorgiaHarris


    I'm thinking about having my 7 month old boar neutered as I would would like him to be with a pair of females in the future. Does any one know much it costs and know of any information that may useful. Also, if anyone knows of any experienced vets in the West Midlands, particularly in or around...
  19. L

    Neutered Dad with Newborn Baby

    Is it okay to have a neutered boar in the same cage with a sow and her 3 week old baby girl? (and another sow who’s their other daughter). I’ve seen that the males shouldn’t be with the babies when the mom is around at first or at all, is that still true if he’s neutered? I had him in the cage...
  20. K

    Boar Not Recovering Well Post Neutering

    Hi there, My boar Spike is not recovering well post op, he’s just sitting there and barely eating anything. I’m feeding him critical care (started today), and he’s been back to the vet, who gave him pain killer and antibiotics as well as fluids. He’s seeing and pooping a little bit now. He is on...