
  1. Mochi222

    Desperate for Help - Guinea pig limping, crying, and gas after Vet appointment

    Hi everyone, This is my first post here, so I’m not entirely sure how things work, but I’m very desperate and hoping for advice. It is quite a long post, so if you don't want to read the whole thing I've included a summary at the very end. Basically, my 5-year-old male guinea pig, Mochi, has...
  2. Yurigiri

    Strange or poor mobility

    My guinea pig, 7-8mths old, was on Baytril for URI, and back at the vets to trim his broken incisors. The vet prescribe him painkillers as well for the jaw pain. He probably bit the cage bars, trying to fight with his other broken bond boar friend. I can't seems to upload video here. Apologies...