
  1. S

    Meloxicam making pig drowsy?

    Hi all, New pig owner here! We've had Sugar and Honey for almost a month now and they are both so lovely. Unfortunately, a couple of days after getting Sugar, we noticed a head tilt and some irritation with her right ear, so we got her to the vet. She was put on baytril 0.2 twice a day for...
  2. Cryptillian

    When to say goodbye?

    I hope it’s ok if I skip the usual care rundown since he’s terminal and I’ve done everything I can, I have been struggling so horribly with this because my grandma is also dying and one of our dogs has cancer as well. Going to start by saying Pumba is 7 1/2 years old and had a massive bladder...
  3. L

    Guinea Pig Treatment, Possible Overdose, need help

    Hi everyone, I have read these forums for advice in the past but never thought I would be writing for help. I was wondering if anyone had any advice. I brought my 6 month old guinea pig, Arnold, (weighed 750 grams) to an emergency vet late evening as he was not eating that day. He had...
  4. biotechanna

    Poor piggy still ill after a month

    Hi, I'm posting regarding my 3.5yo guinea pig, Lazarus. He started to show symptoms about a month ago (loss of appetite, puffed up fur, lethargy, pooping less, crusty eyes). As soon as he started showing symptoms, I brought him to the vet. He did a course of Baytril for a URI and Terramycin eye...
  5. P

    Bladder stone x arthritis

    My 5 year old guinea pig Teddy has just been diagnosed with arthritis and a large bladder stone. Last week he started with blood in his urine and squeaking in pain everytime he urinated, i took him to the vets where they did an xray and found a large bladder stone but also discovered he has...
  6. M

    Meloxicam dosage?

    I have a guinea pig (Alfie) presumed to have arthritis. I recently moved states. I had an amazing vet in the previous state and I recently tried a new vet as my other pig (Astro) is showing signs of arthritis. The previous vet had said that using some of Alfie’s meds for Astro is fine. The...
  7. amyprie

    Pig fell, any good experiences?

    Hi! My guinea pig fell on a sunday, on tuesday he started limping. I took him to the vet, she couldn't feel anything broken so she gave him 0.9ml of loxicom (Meloxicam) for 5 days. If he doesn't get better she would do the x-ray, etc. This morning (first day after the medicine) looked like he...
  8. C

    Meloxicam Causing Death

    After losing a battle with my almost 3-year-old skinny pig (Hairless guinea pig) to dermatitis that went into the bones, I had decided to get a baby hairless guinea pig to keep my almost 2-year-old guy, company. I had taken the new baby guinea pig I named Phelix, to the vet. His penis had gotten...
  9. doodlecountry

    Dental Meloxicam for long term use?

    I believe my guinea pig has jaw pain. She had jaw pain to the point where she gained a head tilt while eating “harder” foods. The vet couldn’t see anything visible but gave us meloxicam to use for a week. We did that and it helped. However it seems to have come back, not as badly but she seems...
  10. doodlecountry

    Safe Doses of Meloxicam

    I brought my pig to the vet because she has some trouble eating and had a slight head tilt when doing so. My piggie may have had a sore or tender jaw that where the vet couldn’t see any visible teeth or jaw damage. She prescribed Meloxicam for one week and if there was progress, to discontinue...
  11. Devyn50

    Meloxicam For Piggies

    I asked my vet for Metcam for Hamlets pain. Hamlet weighs 505 grams or a little over a lb. Vet had to order it. What came in was Meloxidy / Meloxicam.....for dogs only. I asked if this was the same type of med as Metcam. Was told it was and I could use it for piggies. Anyone used this med...