
  1. wheek!guinea

    Piggy hates taking medicine now.

    Hi all, I'm back again about my kiddo. My 4 y.o boar Glacier has been on Gabapentin and Metcam for 2 years for his back. When he was younger (approx 3 months old) he had to be on Ivermectin for conjunctivitis and a URI when he arrived at the petstore. He has always been amazing at taking his...
  2. Puddles1999

    Boarding pigs W/ regular meds

    *located in US* Southeast of Saint Louis. Hi! So I have Penelope who is over 5. She did have a slightly enlarged heart and takes Benazepril every 24 hours and Vetmedin every 12. She’s been doing fantastic since being on the meds and never requires any diuretics. We are thinking we may take a...
  3. Puddles1999

    Almond oil in Benazapril? Safe?

    I ordered Benazapril for my Guinea through a compounding agency. I had it strawberry flavored. I was going to give her some this afternoon and noticed it says it contains almond oil? Is that safe for her? I wouldn’t think they’d put something in the medication if it wasn’t safe for her but I’d...
  4. Rogue_runner

    Mixing baytril with foodstuff

    Hi there! So my girl has a rather nasty UTI, and is on a long course of baytril + anti-inflammatories. So far we've seen good improvement, but she is a literal NIGHTMARE to get the baytril in to, and after a week she hates me, and is getting more and more difficult to wrangle. I can manage, but...
  5. Puddles1999

    Milk thistle

    Hi. I’ve been having a rough time with my remaining girl. She currently has quite a bit of fluid in her abdomen and is on furosemide to try to help expel the fluid. It’s basically to help make her comfortable. It will not fix anything but I hope to have some more time with her. I am already...
  6. G

    Oxbow Critical Care

    Hi, I have a 2 year old Guinea pig that won’t eat or drink. He’s been given an antibiotic for URI. And was given fluids under his skin. I was told by my vet to give him oxbow critical care. I had some, but it was for OMNIVORES. My vet said that was okay, but the bag doesn’t have a Guinea pig on...
  7. I

    my guinea pig is not pooping

    Hi guys, my 2 year old guinea pig is not pooping or eating. his belly is swollen. I've already given her gas medicine because her belly is making noise and also the poop soup. I noticed that when he breathes he is making a noise but his lungs appear to be clean. What can this be?
  8. Puddles1999

    Need to rant about medicine/vets

    So Penelope recently went and got her back molars filed. Everything’s been great but her pee has started smelling weird again. She had blood in her pee 6 months ago and antibiotics cured it up. However her pee has started smelling again, suspect a uti. The vet seems concerned that there may be a...
  9. h.h.lovecraft

    My guinea pigs hate being touched ever since I started giving them medicine :(

    My 8-9 week old guinea pigs came with a lot of sicknesses. They have ringworm, a cold, and both have bladder issues. The vet treats them for ringworm once a week, which they hate and scream extremely loud like they are dying, but they bounce back pretty quickly when I get them home. They are on...
  10. Puddles1999

    Baytril dosage?

    Penelope had blood in her pee that wasn’t visible! The vet prescribed Baytril thinking it should cure anything that could be causing it. She does not squeak when peeing or in any noticeable discomfort. Nor is she losing weight! A bit weird but for her baytril dosage, she gets .10 ML every 12...
  11. dabel101

    Loxicom dosage

    Hi! My guinea pig Doris has been to the vet for a limp she has and has been prescribed some dog loxicom. As she weighs exactly 1kg they have given her a dosage as if she were a 3kg dog, does this seem right? We have been told to give it once a day but i have read as guinea pigs have a fast...
  12. Puddles1999

    Specialist Right medication for Uri?

    I just came back home from a vet visit as it seemed one of my Guinea pigs may have had a uri. He said her Lungs sounded great, heart was fantastic and so was breathing. He had mentioned we caught the uri early and he gave me a bottle of Orbax medication. I’ve never had my guinea pigs on this and...
  13. Jasmined

    Baytril & syringe help - desperate!

    I’m desperately looking for more advice on how to get my girls to accept a syringe / Baytril. I’ve tried lots of different tips from here like wrapping in towel, different holding techniques to keep her still, dipping in food, on food, mixed with ribena etc etc Each day passes she’s on Baytril...
  14. G

    Vet! One or both?

    Hi! I have two piggies (Patches and Carmal). My parents recently allowed me to bring them to the vet because of their persistent soft poops. However, they are worried about money. The last time I took Patches to the vet it cost a good bit of money. He had a mild infection, but is fine now. My...
  15. P

    Won't let go of syringe

    Hi everyone! So my guinea pig has gone on medicine that I have to give to her in a syringe. She loves the taste of medicine and will not let go of the syringe and I often find myself fighting with her for it which can't be good for her neck (She is six years old and ridiculously strong). I have...
  16. basicpiggies

    Giving A New Guinea Pig Medicine

    Hi. I’m taking one of my new guinea pigs to the vet because I suspect she may have a URI. I’m not 100%, but I’m leaning more towards she does than she doesn’t. The problem is she is still adjusting to her environment and is completely terrified of me. I need advice on how to quickly &...
  17. Emily Jane

    Need Help With Medication

    hello, My guinea pig, cutie, was prescribed too medications by the vet. I’m fine with giving her them and was cleaning the syringes and when I came back I have here the medicine. However, I got the bottles mixed up and gave her 0.3 ml of Metacam instead of 0.25ml. I thought the medicine I was...
  18. TheLottiediarys

    Can You Split A 'once Daily' Dose Uni A Twice A Day Dose?

    Hi guys I've been looking around a can't seem to find an answer Can you split a medicine dose that is suppose to be once a day in two and give it twice a day if the animal is struggling to take it all in one go? Would that reduce the effectiveness of the medicine?
  19. PerfectPigs

    What Is The Best First Medicine To Use For My Sow With Cystitis?

    My (roughly) 5-year-old sow named Olga has been recently showing the symptoms of cystitis. She is making soft squeaking noises when she urinates, has been urinating often and is always damp on her stomach (from the result of urinating a lot). I don't want to try any full-on medicine yet, as she...
  20. C

    Guinea Pig Is In Pain?

    Hi everyone! This is my first post, I have come here because one of my female piggies is in.. pain? Yesterday evening I went to feed my pigs when I noticed that Saffron (the piggie) was face down in a corner making a sort of sad squeak noise I instantly panicked and brought her inside examined...