
  1. almondandcashew

    Almond's Bladder Stone & Advice

    Hi everyone! I have been a long-time lurker of this forum and wanted to share my boy Almond's recent experience with bladder stones and ask for prevention advice. Almond and Cashew are my first piggies so I am new to dealing with bladder issues and want to ensure I'm doing the best I can. 5...
  2. amandambyd

    Sick piggy, no diagnosis

    Hi, my Guinea pig (2yr old male) has been to the vet many times and we haven’t yet figured out exactly what’s going on. We originally brought him in for redness on his feet which wasn’t terrible, they prescribed a cream, didn’t work, then prescribed meloxicam, didn’t work, then they prescribed...
  3. L

    Guinea Pig Treatment, Possible Overdose, need help

    Hi everyone, I have read these forums for advice in the past but never thought I would be writing for help. I was wondering if anyone had any advice. I brought my 6 month old guinea pig, Arnold, (weighed 750 grams) to an emergency vet late evening as he was not eating that day. He had...
  4. charlottel0u

    Repeat Medication Costs

    Hi all, My 5 year old piggie is on Metacam permanently now, and he has this daily to manage pain and some other issues. We’ve just been getting our usual monthly bottle from their vets, but this costs £36 each time and is getting tough for us to cover. We’ve just requested a prescription so...
  5. Wetherill

    Aspiration scare

    My Lionel is on liquid methimazole for his hyperthyroidism. He gets .25 cc twice per day. I have lost a guinea pig to aspiration pneumonia before, so I am extremely careful when administering anything to him. I do the inside of the cheek probably a little closer to his lips than logical, because...
  6. basicpiggies

    Question about prescription

    Hi all! My guinea pig has been refusing hay and chewing very oddly. For a day, she actually had a head tilt and then the next day it was gone and hadn’t returned. We concluded that she was definitely bothered by something in her mouth and either in pain or very uncomfortable. She went to an...
  7. Cavy Kung-Fu

    Bloat, out of my depth!

    Hey guys, sorry I haven’t been around much these days I hope everyone’s keeping well! So I’m really worried about my Bella, she’s 6 and a half and out of the blue has decided to get bloat. No idea why. The vets near me aren’t particularly experienced and I know how dangerous bloat is so I’m...
  8. Lizzieejoyce

    Hair loss. HELP!

    Hi everyone TL;DR - ongoing skin problem and hair loss. Been to the vets 3 times and she’s still not better, any suggestions please?! My guinea pig, Agnes, has had a skin problem since late August. Another guinea pig of mine had a fungal infection when Agnes started to lose hair so I treated...
  9. Danielle Smith

    Heart medication dosage

    Senior pig Flubs is still pootling away after his diagnosis of heart failure in January, however he's becoming much slower, unwilling to move, and generally "puddlier" in appearance indicating fluid build up. Hooting is now present on occasion and he's showing signs of diaphragmatic breating.Hes...
  10. Pig & Pymble

    Bladder/bowel issues and calcium questions

    This is my first post and is quite long as everything has been a bit of a saga recently! Massively high levels of stress and upset at home, but I'm feeling optimistic about my boy's recovery. I thought it would be helpful to get some advice/guidance as this forum has been so helpful to me, but...
  11. S

    Enrofloxacin (baytril)

    Hi all- I’m new to this group and very happy that I found it. My Guinea pig S’more had signs of a URI, I took her to the vet as soon as I notice and they prescribed her Baytril for two weeks. She finished the meds and I wasn’t confident that the URI was gone (but she was eating, pooping and...
  12. dabel101

    Loxicom dosage

    Hi! My guinea pig Doris has been to the vet for a limp she has and has been prescribed some dog loxicom. As she weighs exactly 1kg they have given her a dosage as if she were a 3kg dog, does this seem right? We have been told to give it once a day but i have read as guinea pigs have a fast...
  13. ashleemelda

    Frequency of Poop; Medication Not Helping

    A couple weeks ago, I made a post detailing how both my girls' poop had become much lighter in color and was very dry even immediately after being dropped. On top of that, while they had been pooping, it was significantly less than I was used to seeing, especially first thing in the morning...
  14. HappyCavies

    Sulfatrim Dose Help

    Our guinea pig Lon-Lon is suffering with a recurring abscess on her jaw (have attached a picture). We are planning to take her to Northampton to see Simon Maddock as soon as we can, as we are not confident in our local vets. In the mean time, she has been given Metacam and Sulfatrim (16mg/ml +...
  15. ashleemelda

    Orange/Rust-Colored Urine, Result of Medication?

    My girls went to the vet on Monday, December 2 and were prescribed Bene-Bac Plus Microbial Gel (given by mouth once daily for 10 days) and Bactrim/SMZ-TMP (given by mouth twice daily for 10 days) to aid in what she believed was the start of an infection. Since then, I have noticed that their...
  16. L

    We don’t know what’s wrong...

    We would really appreciate some experienced advice. We have a male guinea pig called Bobby. He is 2. We noticed 2 weeks ago that he was lethargic and not eating much. We took him to the vet straight away (at this point he weighed 1.4 kg). We wanted to rule out gut issues and teeth issues so...
  17. jesse1234

    strange behaviour in my piggie

    hi, new here, just looking for some advice. i have a 2 year old rescued guinea pig named oswald, and he has been concerning me for he past hour or so. he's never had any health issues or concerns prior. when he's eating his hay, not when eating pepper or anything else, he makes a sort of low...
  18. C

    Guinea pig asthma

    Hi, so for nearly two years now my 6 year old penny has had a wheezing/“hooting” issue as some may call it. Having episodes of this “hooting” usually happening 1-2 times a week to 1-2 a month depending on the season. Tends to be more frequent during the hot months and less frequent during cold...
  19. P

    Won't let go of syringe

    Hi everyone! So my guinea pig has gone on medicine that I have to give to her in a syringe. She loves the taste of medicine and will not let go of the syringe and I often find myself fighting with her for it which can't be good for her neck (She is six years old and ridiculously strong). I have...
  20. V

    Urgent! My Piggies Is Scarred From Syringe Feeding :(

    my piggie, matcha, has an abscess on her bum. She was prescribed 2 different antibiotics, both of which need to be syringe fed. One is once a day, for 7 days. The other is twice a day, for 14 days. As you can see, it’s a lot of syringe feeding! This has me particularly worried because she seems...