
  1. E


    Hi everyone, I need your honest opinion. My girl Meadow has had a tumour on her right arm for a couple of months now. When I first discovered the mass back in June, I took her to vet and they said they couldn’t remove it because they would have to amputate her arm. They said her quality of...
  2. M

    Mass found in or around uterus

    Sunday morning (Oct. 9) I picked up my 4-year-old guinea pig, Rummy, to say good morning and noticed blood coming from her genital area. I called multiple ER vets as none near me treat guinea pigs or were even open. We drove an hour and a half to the nearest vet, with all three of our girls, and...
  3. P

    Abdominal Mass

    Hello. This is extremely hard to write, but my little baby Pumpkin went in for a vet recheck today (she was not eating due to having a bad reaction to Baytril, but she's eating now) and the vet felt a mass on her abdomen. We aren't exactly sure of the location, but the assistant told us it was...