male aggression

  1. N

    Old Guinea pigs fighting since introduce two new

    Hi guys I need some advice I’m new to owning Guinea pigs, I got my first pair at the end of March when they were 7wks everything was fine and they got on great. Last week I decided to get another two who were 8wks and ensured they were in a separate cage to our original two (Rocket and Rory)...
  2. cinnamonandfudge

    Male piggies fighting after being held

    i got my boys almost two weeks ago, they are around 17 weeks old. I’m trying to bond with them and get them used to being held so every day I will take them out or the cage and lightly pet them and hand feed them some veggies. They have gotten used to being held for a few minutes but don’t like...
  3. F

    New Guinea pigs

    Hello, I have 2 male guinea pigs who I adopted from our local pet smart who has said they were bonded and 5 years old. So I chose to take them both because I also had read that they get lonely and are super social. When we first got them we had them in a temporary cage which was definitely too...
  4. E

    Guinea Pigs Tussling in better home

    Hi! I just adopted a bonded trio of three boys (3,2 and 2) the shelter said they were bonded. They seemed to be in a horrible place (in a pen meant for one pig and only one large hide.) I’ve gotten them a big enough pen (2 connected 60 in x 30in) and 3 of everything. They have been chasing...
  5. nipz58

    Boars had a fight, what now?

    Hi there! Three days ago my guinea pigs, both boars, had a fight and there was blood drawn. The older is around 7 months and the younger is 4 months old. The older one was the injured one, he had a bite on his upper lip and it looked bad. I went to the vet and everything was fine, they gave me...
  6. W

    Bonded Male Guinea Pigs Suddenly Doing a lot of Chasing...

    I would appreciate any help & advice! I've had my two bonded males for about 6 months now; one is a year & a half old, and the other is 9 months old. The older piggie has always been Mr. Dominance, and the 9 month old has always easily submitted. I was out of town for one night & my husband...
  7. A

    MALE Guinea Pig Fighting the Others

    hey everyone i’m new to this (i think i’m using this right). so i have 4 MALE guinea pigs all living in 1 cage (3x6) it’s really big and they all used to get along perfectly until recently. 2 of them are over a year old and the other 2 are around 7 months old. the bonding process took a while...
  8. R

    Male Guineas suddenly fighting! Help!

    Hello! I just adopted two 9 month old Guinea pigs (both male) over the weekend (meaning I have had them about 4 days). I built them a new C&C cage 4x2 and placed them in it yesterday. This is when all hell broke loose. Oreo attacked Reeses and made him bleed pretty bad. I contacted the previous...