
  1. I

    Bladder stone and barely eating

    My guinea pig Gandalf has been diagnosed with a bladder stone 4 days ago. He also has a urinary infection. I can't pay for the surgery. I don't have the money and it is really expensive. 😓 There is also some risks involved. The stone is pretty big. His bladder is full of blood and sludge We are...
  2. C

    Guinea pig suddenly scared of everything - URI?

    Hello everybody! I'm worried about our 2.5 year old boar Manteli. We have had him and his brother for almost a year. Yesterday night he became very different from his usual self, it was like he was scared and suspicious of everything in sight. He is a shy boy in general but this was different...
  3. B

    Anorexic guinea pig having trouble pooping

    Hi all, this is my first post but I’m at my wits end. About 2 weeks ago my boy Boomer lost interest in his hay out of nowhere, became lethargic, and is hiding much more than normal. He has lost a significant amount of weight, so much so his spine and hip bones are visible. I was able to get him...
  4. Vix1

    Mystery illness? Please help?

    Hi all thank you for taking the time to read this, I have been to vet today but nobody has a clue and after 30 years of keeping guinea pigs this is the first time i have ever been stumped. Gertrude is 2 years old perfectly happy healthy indoor female pig who lives indoors with 3 other girls...
  5. C

    Emergency? dying piggie

    Hi just adopted my piggie Cosmo only 2 days ago. Since he got home he’s been scratching and biting himself. I thought it was mites so I treated with ivermectin, small improvement but still itching. Now, he’s given out discharge through his nose, refusing to eat much, very lethargic and laying...
  6. M

    Laying down in the middle of walking as if in pain...

    Hello! My guinea pig, Mason, has recently been laying down in the middle of walking as if he is in pain and needs to stop. I noticed it three days ago, I took them out of their cage for their clean and usually he is running around everywhere but he layed down the whole hour. I decided to keep a...
  7. D

    Male guinea pig with watery eyes/eye discharge and not eating

    Hi guys, I have booked a vet appointment for later today but I wanted to check if anyone had experienced what I have and what the outcome/diagnosis was. I noticed the other day that my guinea pig, Chunk, had lost a bit of weight but he was still acting like himself and eating his veggies and...
  8. @the3piggies

    Piggie slow and tired.

    Hi all! I recently adopted Mazie and she was always very shy and not super active, but then she started to get more used to me and her home, and today shes been really inactive and slow, she seems tired and almost sad? She’s always run to her hideout when someone besides me gets near her cage...
  9. A

    Hooting noise

    Hello:) I bought my guinea pig (Buzz) from pets at home on 08/03/2020. I noticed in the car on the way home that he had a clear drip from his nose and his chest sounded like a clicking/hooting noise. I rang pets at home the following day to inform them of this, they agreed to treat him at their...
  10. Fuzzybois1234

    My guinea pig is being lethargic

    So I have a blind 4 year old guinea pig named Alex. He is currently being very lethargic he is sitting in the corner of his cage and not doing anything but standing. He took the treat I gave him but he wouldn’t come up to the front of the cage like he always does. I took him out and looked...
  11. P


    Everyone, my guinea pig Popcorn (female, 4.5 years old), is suffering from a URI. She's currently lethargic, is sneezing more than usual, sometimes makes a crackling sound, and is breathing quite loudly every once in a while. She still has some energy, as she has ran a tiny bit (but fast). She...
  12. amber89

    Specialist Guinea pig not eating and lethargic after anti fungal medication

    Hello all, I am having 3 guinea pigs at home. All 3 of them are being treated for a parasitic infection with Stronghold 15mg ( in German, they are treated for Haarlinge, in English i think they are called Chewing lice ). In addition to Stronghold, all 3 of them are receiving VAPOVIT (Korvimin...
  13. Cookie18

    Is My Piggie Okay?

    Over these past few days, I've noticed Cookie, my guinea pig, had become lazier or lethargic. I currently have her on my stomach and every now and then I can hear her wheezing and she's just laying on me when she would usually walk around as if to get comfy, she has also been grinding her teeth...
  14. Piggiepops

    Dying guinea pig :(

    Hi everyone. A couple of days ago we noticed that our 6 year old piggy was becoming very lethargic and not eating as she usually would. Today she has become even more lethargic and is closing her eyes a lot (not sleeping). She’s been alone from about 9am when we all went to work, and I just got...
  15. Prasiddha

    Guinea pigs hair loss

    My piggy are all looking healthy and happy. Also I give them nutritious diet with fresh water. I have 2 cages with 2 girls and 2 boys. It is really hot and humid here. I have kept them in a room where there is a/c and fan. I somehow make sure I keep the temperature friendly and less hot for...
  16. Scott&Cinnamon

    Undiagnosed Illness, Very Worried About My Piggy

    Hi guys, this is my first ever post and I’m sick with worry about my piggy Scott, chronically ill myself and sleep deprived so please be kind. Scottie started showing symptoms 3 days ago. Unfortunately we’ve not noticed his weight loss which I really feel bad about. His eyes are small and as...
  17. Barnyard Boars

    Sick Skinnie Needing Advice Asap

    Hello, I'm new to owning piggies and have 2 right now. I have a skinnie named Melvin and a guinea pig named Harvey... I got Melvin close to a year ago, and felt he was lonely and needed a pal so I got Harvey, Harvey has been around probably close to half a year and is still coming around to...
  18. Akanksha singh

    Help My Guinea Pig Is Having Seizures

    My guinea pig was ill 4 days back, he suddenly stopped eating and moving therefore we force fed him. He recovered very well and even was playing around. Yesterday suddenly he stopped using his fore limbs, to which the vet thought was just a sprain He was eating well but dragging his body. Today...
  19. Pumpkin&Spice

    Would Be Really Thankful For Advice! :)

    Hi! I am completely new to forums and this is the first time I have ever posted a thread but I’m a little concerned about my piggie, Spice, a 7 month old Peru sow who is acting a little under the weather. I thought it’d be worth a shot to see if anyone has any advice/similar experiences. Spice...
  20. Arwen

    Pink Urine And Slight Lethargy

    Hello everyone! I'm a super new piggie owner and I'm having some problems. My guinea pig Peggy started to urinate pink and orange-ish liquid. We have only had her for less than a month, and have only fed her plain pellets and timothy hay. We are trying to introduce her to leafy greens because I...