
  1. Killeroc

    Guinepig Diarrhea

    Hi, Our little Pan, a crested guineapig, has had diarrhea since he was about 1. He's now 3. We have been to multiple vets, have had all tests done but nothing has shown up and we continue the same routine of taking him off greens. The vets at this stage have said we know our guineapig better...
  2. A

    Help! An escape artist in training

    Hi I have an urgent issue! I set up my new C&C cage today for my skinny pigs and my smallest one has jumped out twice within the past hour! I was told piggies don’t jump high and the cage would be safe, what should I do until the cover I ordered comes in?
  3. M

    Dominant Females

    A few months ago I got my two year old female Guinea pig, Macy, a companion. I got a 2 month old female, Penelope. Penelope was naturally submissive to Macy and was actually only comfortable when with Macy. Penelope is still extremely dependent on Macy (she doesn’t like to move too much if she...
  4. T

    Having To Rehome Due To New Career? Please Help:(

    So I have a huge dilemma on my hands here:( I recently got offered the job of my dreams I worked so hard to get but it came with a HUGE condition: I rehome my Guinea pigs:( which I obviously in a million years do not want to do. I was told the pathogens from my pigs could spread to the...
  5. Preston

    Guinea Pig Eye Problem

    My girlfriend and I have had Aspen for 5ish months and have noticed she is a little reserved. Recently she stopped eating, and started sneezing a lot. We thought it was a cold and got her some medicine for it. Her sneezing has gotten better and she has started eating again, however now she is...
  6. T

    Nebulisation In Uk?!?!

    so I'm part of a Guinea pig group on Facebook and after having my pig for over 6 months she has been up and down with respiratory issues- this is due to a severe long respiratory infection she had very young with a previous owner. It recently flared up and she was taken to the vets and given...
  7. Cavy Kung-Fu

    Post-neuter Issues.

    I can't seem to see much on this kind of issue anywhere, a male after neuter leaking urine? I'm fairly certain that the vet who did the operation was pretty incompetent with piggies but unfortunately the piggy isn't in my ownership right now. I'm wondering what they messed up in there during...
  8. MyPiggyMoo

    Hoarse Wheeking?

    Hello! Recently I've been noticing my Guinea Pig wheeking less. I noticed today that it wasnt less, it's just I could barely hear her. Her wheeks, squeaks, and bubbles are all sounding hoarse and muffled. I've thought it could be a cold, as everyone in my house has had one recently, but I've...
  9. CraigGlasgow

    Reccomend Vets In Glasgow?

    Hey all, Have been taking Weasley to Albavet in Dennistoun for his issues as they're right round the corner and the vets seem fairly piggy savvy. However they now say they've surpassed all their knowledge on how to treat him as his gassy tummy/bloat and UTI seem to be neverending. They...
  10. katiejanerevill

    Drinking Issues

    Hi everyone, not sure if this thread is in the right section or not, sorry if it's not! I got a new piggie on Sunday, (it's now Tuesdayn) my piggie is very shy and timid, the previous owner said he was extremely friendly and likes to bury himself, at the minute he barely comes out of his...
  11. PiggyOinkOink

    Poor Benji Has Dental/abscess Issues :( ...please Check Your Piggies Teeth Regularly As Standard!

    I noticed that one cage had slighly lose stools for months but I thought it was Rebecca and took her to the vet to find it was a UTI. I separated her from her cage mate, Benji, for 3 days to see who was doing the stools but they both seemed normal so I put them back. The loose stools came back...