
  1. Fmdonlan1988

    Tips on introducing a new piggy

    Sadly I recently lost one of my 2 boars (his name is rumble). We have no idea why he died. It left the one boar on his own, (named squeak), so we needed to get him another for company. He perked up after a few days and started getting on with his life. We have adopted another boar (cookie), that...
  2. smiley

    newly introduced guinea pigs together in same house?

    today i introduced my younger guinea pig (gnocchi) with an older one (doppio) (both females, a few months between age difference) and it went well! there were some dominance behaviors given by doppio and a little struggle with taking each other’s food, but they both eventually calmed down with...
  3. cashewandpeppa

    Re-introducing after surgery

    Hi! I’ve read all of the forums on here about bonds in trouble, medical separations, bonding behavior, etc. but I’ve got one big question. Does anyone have an example of what the fighting ball of fluff would look like? My girls, when they were together prior to one of them having surgery, have...
  4. N

    New baby guinea pig trying to suckle on older females?

    Hi! I'm new here. I have two older female guinea pigs (around 2 years) i used to have a third but she passed two weeks ago. Three days ago i got a female baby guinea pig thats around 7 weeks old. Ive been housing her in the upper level of their c&c cage for the past few days and I'm letting them...
  5. a.hoover165

    Getting a second guinea pig

    Hi! So I know guinea pigs are animals that should not be owned singularly, but I currently only have one. She was initially given to my niece as a gift but then dropped off at my mom's house and just stayed there alone for way longer than I'd like to admit. I've been away at college, but as soon...
  6. T

    Grooming Fest!

    Hi Hi! We have 7 pigs. 6 girls and 1 recently adopted boy, right now he is kept away from the girls as he wraps up his 6 week post neutered wait. I have done small lap intro's to the girls and boy is he really rowdy lol. Anyways, over the weekend I wanted to give them floor time as I felt bad...
  7. T

    Our first piggie fight!

    Hello all! This might be a long one so apologize in advance! So on Saturday we introduced a mother and daughter pair that my boyfriend and I re-homed. We have 4 girls of our own, one of which is still new to the group and a baby. My boyfriend's roommate moved out so we were excited to have a...
  8. T

    Fear Aggression?

    We have a total of 4 sows. Unfortunately we lost a pig and are currently in the process of introducing a baby. So far I've done 3 attempts, I do struggle with the introduction process a bit and often wonder if i'm doing it correctly. My struggle is knowing when the pigs have finished. The first...
  9. mackenzieluvslife

    stepping on eachother?

    hello! i’m not sure if i’m doing this right as this is my first post here:) i just got my two female piggies a few weeks ago. one black and brown named Mocha, and one White and Cream colores named Latte. i’m very confused with their behaviour. at first, i thought they got along great. they...
  10. Piggiefamily

    Introducing one boar to two bonded sows

    Hi. I have 2 bonded sows that have been living together since babies, they are 3 yrs now. They have been happily sharing their cage and always got along very well. Recently I have adopted a boar which has lost his wife ( previous owners never neutered him and the wife died whilst pregnant). My...
  11. Y

    Behavioural Issue with trio of male pigs HELP!!

    We are having issues with a trio of male guinea pigs that we purchased around a month ago (14 weeks old) and looking to get some advice. For some background: They were all purchased together and came from the same breeder however 2 of the pigs are continually attacking the other with one fight...
  12. A

    Introducing two bonded younger males to my older boar?

    Hi! i really REALLY need some help! just recently, one of my two 4 year old male pigs passed away. out of the two, he was unfortunately always the one struggling with health problems and i think we all knew his time was coming soon. we’ve decided to cremate him and we miss him very much. the...
  13. Domzalm1

    Girl and Boy bonding

    Hi everyone, wondered if someone can help. I have just introduced a boy to a girl yesterday. They have bren with me for a while. Boy was neutered good few months back and i have decided to put them together now (yeeey) but.... as expected there was a lot of humping and rumbling some teeeth...
  14. TheLottiediarys

    New Friends since losing Bear and Lottie, Possibly combing two pairs?

    Sadly for Anya and Aurora, They have now lost their two cage mates, Bear and Lottie in a space of a few weeks, Obviously this has been an upsetting time for everyone, But I'm thinking mostly about how the girls are dealing with losing Bear. Since we now have two pairs, Anya and Aurora and Baby...
  15. C

    Seperate Cages But Same Floor Time?

    I have four guinea pigs, and they are in pairs in different cages. I started off with the two and adopted one more which didn't get along with the two original ones so I bought a fourth one to keep the adopted one company. I'm wondering if although they are in different cages, could I attempt to...
  16. Lunaandmaggie

    Will It Ever Happen

    Hello, so my one piggie lost her cage mate hermione coming on 5 months now. We are very saddened by her death. But we got Luna the on piggie left a cage mate and Luna hates Maggie the new one she made her bleed today I have tried everything and Luna it's getting more clingy to me and Maggie...
  17. ChloeCee98

    How Do I Know If My Piggies Are Ready To Go In The Same Cage?

    :help:I have two female piggies! I have just put the pigs back to bed after an hour or so of introducing them! I wasn't sure if it was successful or smaller guinea pig seemed a bit scared. I was on edge the hole time watching incase they were fighting I am so stuck with what to do...
  18. A

    2 Out Of 4 Pigs Died In The Last Two!

    Back in the beginning of November I got 4 guinea pigs. One was from someone off of Craigslist, his name was Sammy. I got 3 others from a rescue, their names were Bram, Candy Corn, and Mr. Clean. All males. Within the first week and a half, Sammy died. We later learned that Sammy wasn't 2 years...
  19. L

    Mother And Baby Bonding With Others

    We recently got a new mother and baby guinea pig from an SSPCA shelter, to keep our original (neutered, so he shouldn't smell of males) pig company, after his companion died. We were originally planning on getting just the mother, but we learned that she had been bonded with her daughter when we...
  20. P

    Urgent: Will My Pigs Ever Get Along?

    Hi! I got a new guinea pig today, as I had one pass away recently after only having her for a few weeks :no: I have a 1 year old female, and when I got her previous friend (about 6 weeks old) who passed not long after I got her, she was fine with allowing her into her life. Today I got her...