
  1. K

    skinny pig w swollen skin around penis

    hello, my skinny guinea pig dorian has a very visible swollen skin around where his penis would peek out (photo). he's eating well, doesn't show any signs of pain even when i touch it. however it looks inflamed(?), red and quite concerning. what do i do? unfortunately i don't want to rush him to...
  2. S

    Bladder Sludge and Pained Pooping

    Hello everyone, My wife and I's precious little girl (lovingly named Mouse), has developed a serious issue this past week. Starting two Sundays ago, we noticed that she had some pained vocalizing while peeing and pooping. She was also leaving behind an awful lot of bladder sludge out of...
  3. A

    Hurt foot

    Hello everyone! This is my first post here, very nice to meet you all. I have two guinea pigs, father and son (Chibs and Thunder) 1 year old and 4 months old. Two days ago, the younger one hurt his foot while jumping from one of the wooden houses in their cage. As a result, he kept his foot up...
  4. G


    Hi! I’m looking for help. I have a female Guinea pig that started to do a pink pee, after that a red pee, and also she was squeaking doing pee/poop. I took her to the vet, she started taking the medication (sulfamethoxazole 0.5ml at every 12 hours and meloxicam 0.2mg, one pill and after a couple...
  5. earniethepiggie

    reaction to stitches

    Hi, It seams like Earnie has had a reaction to his stitches post neuter (3 weeks). A couple days ago we took him to the vets after noticing swelling around where the procedure took place and they prescribed antibiotics and anti-inflammatory in case of an abscess. However, after closer...