
  1. Peanutt and butter

    Can someone give me some tips to help me

    So i just got 2 new piggys both make and I'm a new piggy owner and one off them has a short temper i think because one off them is trying to be dominant and the other keeps trying to hump it or allways be near the other and the dominant one allways gets mad at it when it humps it and makes the...
  2. Lauziiedauziie


    I have four male guinea pigs, split into two pairs. Their cage is also a two tiered cage so the pairs rarely interact with each other (as two have a strong disliking for each other) They all live very peacefully however tonight has been a little weird. I did their weekly deep clean, fed them and...
  3. A

    My male guinea pig is trying to hump my femal guinea pig :(

    Hi, a new guinea pig owner here. I got my piggies almost a month and a half ago, and when I bought them, I didn't keep it in my mind that It's better to have either two female guinea pigs or two male guinea pigs. I got to know a few weeks ago that one of them is actually a female (Ari). I was...
  4. Megham

    Bizzare bond changes

    Hi everyone! Looking for advice / expertise from anyone experienced with girls and their complexities haha I have 3 girls, Fern (the oldest) and Peaches and Bear who I've had for a year and a bit now. The hairchy is normally as follows; Peaches (most dominant pig I've ever had) > Bear > Fern...