hay poke

  1. Lovespigs

    Glazed eye

    This morning i’ve woken up and noticed my beautiful Florence has a glazed eyes. I think it’s a hay poke, but i can’t get any appointments until tomorrow. i’ve been so stressed because i’m scared it may permanently damage her vision. What do i do until i can get her a vet appointment and treatment?
  2. peachynpigs

    hay poke help?

    hey there This morning when i woke up i noticed one of my piggies was struggling to keep his eye open and it was quite teary, i immediately grabbed him and inspect him and didnt notice anything but i did read it could be a hay poke so i called a vet and they made me an appointment for monday...
  3. D

    hay poke without symptoms?

    yesterday when i was putting the guinea pigs into their carrier, donna ran into the hay bag and got a bunch of tiny hay pieces on her face. i tried brushing them off but i think some got on her eyes/into her eyelids:( this morning, my dad sent me these pictures: he also said she doesn't seem to...
  4. Suki&Indie

    Remend alternatives/eye drop recommendations?

    Hi all! So I had my first hay poke incident and the vet gave me antibiotic eye drops and painkiller. I read on here that a lubricant like remend is also very helpful but my vet didn’t have any. Does anyone have any good alternatives/eye drops that would work? Preferably something easy to get e.g...
  5. D

    Constant and repeated hay pokes

    Hi All, I am the proud dad of 4 piggies (3 skinny 1 hair - all same family) and I have had the issue of hay pokes for almost 3 weeks now. I wanted to reach out to some more educated guinea pig caretakers and see if maybe I could get some advice on how to prevent this in the future. One of my...
  6. lauryn1289

    Hay poke

    Hi all, one of my boys had a piece of jagged hay lodged in the side of his eye. With an extra set of hands and a tweezers I got it out, poor boy let out a big squeal. :( His eye is very slightly cloudy on just the corner of it, my other boy has had a hay poke so I know the drill is an...
  7. T

    I just removed a huge hay poke from inside my guinea pig's eyelid. What should I do now?

    Hi, I woke up this morning to find one of my guinea pigs very lethargic and unresponsive. After a closer look. I noticed a few small-looking needles poking out of one of her eyes. I figured it was just a few small hay pokes. I never had any experience with hay pokes, so I ended up going to the...
  8. charlottibiscotti

    Piggy with cloudy eye

    Hi all, my piggy has a slightly cloudy eye. she's a year old and very happy with no issues around the eye being touched. it's much more visible in bright light. I noticed it was cloudy/dull about a month ago, and assumed it must be an early cataract, so sadly haven't looked it up until a family...
  9. M

    My Guinea Pig's eye is swollen and some discharge is there.

    I got my new Guinea pigs few days back. One is way too shy and other way too playful.Yesterday the playful one got some swelling around its and is squinting one of its eye so we cleaned that eye hoping it would get better but today I noticed some cloudiness/greyness in its eye. There aren't any...
  10. C

    Hay poke causing damaged eye

    Hello all, one of my guinea pigs who is 2 had a sunken eye which didn’t quite look right - took him to the vets turns out a sharp piece of hay has damaged his eye ☹️ he recommended we use paper bedding like what they sell for hamsters. However in the stores around by me I have only ever seen...
  11. DizzyD95

    Hay poke and eye drops

    Hi all, I was looking for some advice please. My 10 month old piggie had hay poke (the piece of hay can out but was huge!). Anyway to the vets and she had a cochlear ulcer :( it's pretty bad and I'm so upset. She's on eye drops and metacam. She's eating as normal which is good. She absolutely...
  12. Tinychels

    Hay in the eye and getting treated for it

    Hello! One of my piggies, Ruby, unfortunately got a tiny little piece of hay (or maybe it was hay dust) in her eye two days ago. I tried taking it off but I couldn't and it managed to get under her lower eyelid. So I was freaking out because I'm aware that this can lead to a major eye injury...
  13. E

    Hay Poke

    Hello! So I noticed last night that my guinea pig pepper had a piece of hay stuck in her eye. Her eye was becoming cloudy but as it was later at night we had to wait until this morning to bring her to the vet. My friend told me that this is a case of hay poke. Is there anything I can do to...