hay mites

  1. M

    Static Lice

    Hi! Recently discovered my two girls have static Lice, I already gave them some treatment for it but now I'm a bit unsure about the hay. I have half a bag of hay left and feel kind of sad of having to throw that bag away, I'm not really to sure if they came from that bag as I already have it...
  2. Megham

    Recommended hay suppliers?

    Hey guys! Looking for any trusted hay suppliers you have in the UK. I've now got my second infestation of hay mites within a year for my poor girls and I'm DONE :'D So I'm wondering what hay suppliers do you guys use because I'm eagerly searching for a new supplier with a good reputation...
  3. C

    Small long bug found in guinea pig cage?

    I found these bugs in my guineas cage, I’m treating him for some type of mite/lice not sure what. Could it be these and what is it called? So grossed out!
  4. LanceAndSpud

    Hay mites on short haired Guinea

    Hi, My sisters Guinea pig has a lot of hay mites in his hair, he was rescued from pets at home and we think he got them from there. I have a long haired Guinea pig that I treated for hay mites and his have all gone, my sister used the same treatment on hers (washed him, used Johnson’s spray and...
  5. kerry3383

    Hay mites :(

    Advice needed please! We have 2 girl guinea pigs around 2 or 3 (unsure as rehomed) & they have got hay mites! This is the second time they’ve had them, when we got them in February they came with the mites. We bathed them & put treatment on and thought that would be it but now we’ve noticed...
  6. J

    Help! Hay mites won't leave my piggies alone :(

    Hello everyone, Sorry this is a long one, I feel like I've spent so much time trying to find a straight up answer on how to sort this. I have two beautiful boars Jasper and Gowther, after bringing them home I noticed that they had black specks in their fur, did a bit of googling and came to...