guineapig cage

  1. D

    Baby Guineapig Dont Eat Dry Baits

    Hello. I bought a baby guineapig male. He dont eating dry baits at his manger and just gnawing sawdusts. He eats lettuce but I dont want to give him too much lettuce because I dont want him to get a diarrhea. Also I'm not sure if he knows how to drink water from his tube. I'm worried for him...
  2. K

    Guinea pig bedding. Please help

    Hi my daughter has two guinea pigs. Please can someone tell me what’s best to use as bedding? We used straw bedding, currently use a towel but they stink. I read to use fleece bedding? Can I buy a general bed fleece from a shop and use that? Will they bury under it? Please help they live in her...
  3. Spike and Stormy

    Hi I’m new here, I was just looking for some kind of stand I can use to put my 6x2 c&c cage on either a stand or some kind of furniture that is fairly cheap and fits a 210cm x 70cm cage