guinea pig coughing

  1. M

    Guinea Pig cough

    Hello fellow piggie lovers, My Guinea pig just now is getting over a long recovery of bloat and GI Stasis. I took her to the vet 4 weeks ago and she now is looking better. She is acting normal, more energy, thinner, and all around much better. Pooping regularly. However, I’ve noticed the last...
  2. 5

    Coughing piggy

    Hi all how are you? I'm a little mad and worried about my guinea pig recently she's been coughing and she used to cough before, today she's coughed like five to ten times in one day, and I really wish I was exaggerating but it's the truth I've tooken her to the vets twice before once four to...
  3. 5

    Sick piggy

    Hello everyone, my guinea unfortunately might have a respiratory infection, she's been coughing here and there, before when she used to cough quite a bit I took her to the vets and the vet said she doesn't have a respiratory infection and the coughing could've been coming from the wood shavings...
  4. M

    Guinea pig choking, odd hooting noise

    My guinea pig has been making these congested almost hooting noise for a few weeks, although these sounds aren’t consistent, she’ll be quiet for like 5 days before making the same noise and only after she chokes does she stop making the noise. I have a link at the bottom for a video. She’s...