Hi my guinea pig Apple has been rocking back and forth for 4 days now. She was completely motionless in her two back legs 4 days ago. I syringe fed her and constantly kept an eye on her. Now she can walk in her own but she keeps rocking back and forth. We don't have any exotic pet vets here. We...
My guinea pig, Cookie, has a head tilt and a ,, hooting" sound when he sniffs. We brang him to the vet a few times and they said it might either be an ear infection or a neurological problem (e-cuniculi). The vet prescribed a 2 week course of antibiotics for the ear infection but it didn't seem...
Hello my name is iccy, I live in Fresno, California and I know this is a uk based forum but I’m just hoping if someone can help me find a good vet for my Guinea pigs (4 boys). Any information about some experienced vets out of fresno but nearby would be appreciated! Thank you.
Recently my 6th month old Guinea pig’s ears have become quite dry and crusty. About 2 months ago he was treated at the vets for this around his eye. When I got treatment for him it was a tiny bottle which cost about £250 in vet bills so I really can’t spend that much again. I’m...
Hi, a new guinea pig owner here. I got my piggies almost a month and a half ago, and when I bought them, I didn't keep it in my mind that It's better to have either two female guinea pigs or two male guinea pigs. I got to know a few weeks ago that one of them is actually a female (Ari). I was...
Hi, I have recently adopted our New Guinea pig poppy, when she came to us one of her eyes seemed dropped at the bottom. This has become more noticeable for the past few days and I’m not too sure if this is fatty eye/ pea eye. She came to us underweight so I’m not sure if this would be from...
Hello There! I’m Annie, I’ve been a Guinea Pig Mom since 2017. My Guinea Pig Story is a long one, been much heartache but so much love. I suffer with severe depression and anxiety, and they’re kind of emotional support for me. The only “therapy” that’s every helped me. To be able to love and...
Hello everyone! I am Addison, and I am considering getting Guinea pigs. I have done extensive research, and am very excited. Me and my sister are each getting one, but I’m a little worried about what to do when I go to college. I go to college in 2024, so in the next year-ish. My sister said...
Hi, I'm the owner of two lovely piggies (both female and 6 yo). Around a month ago we noticed small amount of fresh blood coming out of the vulva of one of them. We brought her to a vet specialised in exotics, which proceded to run many tests. She got 3 ultrasounds in the span of a month, each...
Soda, our baby girl, tomorrow we would have had you for 2 weeks but instead today we have to say goodbye.
After suffering with diarrhoea the past two days and gradually moving slower, not eating and then losing strength in your back legs, you gained your wings today at the vet
I am still...
Hi guys, I bought 2 Guinea pigs from the pet store a couple months ago and they were supposed to be males but one turned out to be female. We did not know she was a girl up until 3 days ago. We thought she was bloated so we were giving her gripe water and I didn’t give her veggies for a day and...
I was looking for a some advice. So my guinea pig seems to have something stuck in her mouth or probably lodge between her teeth, not the front 4. I only feed her hay, pellets, and veggies, noting with seeds or that could possible hurt her. I started to notice that she was making movements...
My guinea pig has white snot coming out her right nostril and I can hear she has trouble breathing she can eat,sleep,run around and drinks water just fine it doesn’t seem to hurt her but I’ve noticed at some times she seems fine and it lessens and only snot comes out when she sneezes everything...
Hello I just purchased my first piggies 2 days ago and they are very sweet. They are 8 weeks old. One has a scab I’m not sure what it is but she came with it, any ideas?
i think my guinea pigs cage is way too small for the both of them, especially with their personalities. i cant free roam them because i have a dog and a cat, so i need to get them a bigger cage so they can have all of their needs plus lots of extra space to run.
i don’t have the money...
I recently got a guinea pig two days ago. Today I held her for the first time and she seemed pretty chill so I let her stay while I did work online for about 5 hours, she fell asleep in my sweatshirt pocket and whenever I put her back in her cage she whines to come out and tries to make me hold...
Hi, my guinea pig Darwin was the runt of the group. He is shy of turning 1, but there has been some issues. He keeps falling over to 1 side, doesnt seem to be able to keep his balance, he has been puffing up his coat and quivering and chattering his teeth and just feels like something is...
Hello, lately I have been big on infusing my water with fruits and veggies. I was wondering if it would be safe to give my guinea pigs some from time to time. I've read other users say they're kind of iffy about flavored water, but I'm not sure if they were talking about artificial flavorings or...
My guinea pig Squeak is making strange whimpering noises every second or so. Is this normal? Or is it just my guinea pig objecting to me having online classes?
he is eating a bit less ferociously than before but is drinking and pooing well.
thanks for any help!
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