guine pig

  1. S

    Just brought home a second guinea pig!

    Hello! so I posted a little bit ago when I got my first guinea pig as an adult he’s been to the vet. He is all good to go. I’ve got him into a brand new cage so today I went and I got another guinea pig. They are both males. The original guinea pig Papua is eight months old. The new guinea pig...
  2. T

    nipple falling off?

    Hi everyone, I'm new here and not quite sure how it works, but I'm having a problem I was hoping someone had experience with. I have two female piggies and don't usually notice their nipples but recently I've been picking up my long-haired pig and noticed one really large nipple, I didn't think...
  3. G

    Problem with teeth

    Hi! I was at the vets with my guinea pig before Christmas with dental problem and he said the piggy had tooth abscess and gave him antibiotics for 2 weeks. Now after them he started chewing on one side and barely eats any veggies I syringe feed him every day. It is not about lack of want to eat...
  4. thedosboys

    Talked to a vet!

    Hi it's been a bit I've talked to a vet and they said that Manny's foot is at the very beginning of pododermatitis. For now I need to keep an eye on him, make sure he gets his vitamins and try to get him from sleeping in his litterbox. I just rearranged their cage so he wouldn't be tempted...
  5. daisyandsofi2060


    Do yall ever watch ratatouille and think how much the part with the rat biting Linguini and tickling him resembles the moments when you hold your piggy in your lap and pet them? they nibble on something or maybe occasionally lick your finger and tickle you when they change positions . Best movie...
  6. UltraVioletKaty

    Guinea Pig suddenly passing away

    Hi there, I'm new here so please bear with me. To fill everyone in, I got my two little guinea pig babies in November 2021, I had them growing up and always wanted my own when I had the space. I have two little brothers, Koda and Bear. The whole time I have had them had no issues when them not...
  7. M

    Neutered Guinea pig abscess

    I needed to reach out to you all because vet in our country is very backdated and not as promising. I need some help for my guinea pig baby. He was a healthy adult, male, weight :930 grams. He was neutered on 18th February. The following day due to not getting the right antibiotics for him...
  8. H

    Guinea pig vet and health query

    Helloooo I’m wondering thoughts and I’m also probably going to vent/release stress too. After I had to have my beautiful Eddie put to sleep, I got another boy for my Teddie, call Errik. When I brought him home in November he clearly was right, as he kept sneezing and snorting. I took him to the...
  9. A

    Weird pee?

    Hello, i am a new come here but i hope i can get help about this. I have a guinea pig, named phil, he was had a weird pee as its consistency looks like a gel. Does anybody know about this? 🥲
  10. K

    Something stuck on his paw pad?

    Hi I was hoping someone could offer some help this is my guinea pig Manny, I noticed a few days ago this little thing on his right front paw, at first it looked like a poo stuck but when I tried to get it off it won’t budge, I’m scared to pull on it incase it hurts him or incase it isn’t a poo...
  11. 12Origlo

    Guinea pig partial paralysis

    I really need help with my Guinea pig he’s about a year and a half old. Previously he’s been paralysed and when I toon him to the vet they said they couldn’t see anything wrong with him. They even suggested putting him down. I put him on osteocare the vitamin and massaged his back legs everyday...
  12. allisonochuko

    Our guinea pig died due to heat stroke

    We have two lovely and amazing guinea pigs. Their names are Tilly and Leon. Unfortunately, Tilly died as a result of heatstroke, and we discovered that today. We traveled last Friday and returned today, Sunday, and found that one of them is long gone because of the heat. The heat these past days...
  13. I

    Runaround outdoor

    Hello, I just made my little friends an outdoor runaround. My question is high. How high does it need to be safe so they dont jump over it or climb, when I'm not looking Image of runaround . This is 30cm high
  14. seikami_kieruma

    Piggy looks like shes throwing up...

    It's to late rn to take her into the vet.. (My family is all sleeping) I'm playing my game and look over at my Piggy Lizzy (she has ring worm rn but it's clearing up) and she looked like she was trying to throw up... Idk should I take her to the vet tomorrow morning..? (i probably will either...
  15. Fiona1987

    Guinea Pigs Eye

    Hello All :) I’m hoping someone may be able to help me a little with one of my male Guinea pigs. I have noticed one of his eyes has become very weepy over the last week or so but seemed tocome and go with no other problems. Today however I’ve noticed that it’s become a lot worse and the...
  16. dabel101

    Sow Mounting

    Hello, i have three sow guinea pigs, two 9 month olds and a 5 month old. I have had the two 9 month old sows for almost seven months now. I had to re-bond them as i was given a pregnant sow, Doris, at first and she was separated when having her babies. The bonding went well overall, they are...
  17. M

    Lost Guinea pig!

    Hello, I have lost my guinea pig named Chai earlier this morning (three-two hours ago). I have two (Chai and Mocha) both female. Chai is quick, shy, and not very social. I was walking home from the park and when I got close to a row of huge and thick bushes, she jumped into one very quickly. I...
  18. B

    Looks like Mammary tumor. How do I deal with this?

    This is my female guinea pig (4 yrs old) who is behaving healthy and seems fine but I noticed what looks like a mammary gland tumor. I live in India in a city where hardly any vet deals with Guinea pigs. I am planning to travel about 400 miles just to get a surgery. I'd like to know a few...
  19. B

    Rumble-strutting or —?

    Hi! I am a New Guinea pig owner so forgive me if I seem a bit clueless! I got two boars back in December, two siblings who just turned 3 months old. They do quite a bit of rumble-strutting, which I understand is a boundary setting/dominance display. They've never reared/lunged/nipped/hissed or...
  20. dabel101

    Nail sideways

    Hi! I just notices today that one of my piggies (7 months old) has nail growing slightly to the side, not excessive id say ab 5/10 degrees to the side. Its on the middle toe. The nail, toe and foot itself look perfectly healthy. Should i be concerned? x