Hi, it’s my first time posting here although I’ve been reading posts on the forum for a while and have found all the existing guidance around receiving a terminal diagnosis and caring for a piggy at the end of their life etc invaluable so thank you.
We had two boars, Bramble and Butterbean aged...
Hi, thank you for taking the time to read my post.
In October 2019, we adopted 2 incredible guinea pigs. One of them was called Timmie and she was always so energetic, she was so so so adorable, always happy and very very excited for food.
Around april 11, I noticed that Tim's butt was very...
My 3 year old pig passed last night with absolutely no signs of sickness her weight was fluctuating but nothing insane she wasn’t losing or gaining very fast, i was told it was normal and just because of the weather changes. I’m terrifed she had some sickness that will take my other pigs...
Hello, I wanted to come on here to ask for some opinions on my situation.
Anything helps!
I have one female Guinea Pig and I am questioning wether I should find her another home. A bit of background:
I used to have a different guinea pig who was living alone, therefore, I decided to get her a...
My sweet Willa was a rescue. She was fierce, she was smart, she was tough, she was relentless, she was opinionated, she was a survivor, she was beautiful, she was blind (by injury), deaf (I’m not sure why), mute (could only make a barely audible chirp) and was my heart and soul. I would watch...
Hello everyone.
Recently, one of my beloved sows passed away very suddenly. Her companions, who are both quite young (<6 months) were as distraught as I was. I checked everywhere for a sow needing a home in order to help with the bereavement, but none of the rescues in my province had any pigs...
hi, my guinea pig died about 5 days ago now, and i just feel awful for the cagemate she's left behind. as far as i know she isn't experiencing acute pining. she's fine with walking around the cage, drinking and eating, but seeing her alone in there just breaks my heart since she's never been a...
My 3 and a half years old guinea pig, named Koui, just passed away in my arms.
For 5 months now she had a problem with her foot, most likely a pododermatitis. But here in Greece, we don't have specialized vets for guinea pigs. Most of them actually no nothing about their health care. I took her...
I don't think I'm quite in the right category, I've never posted in anything like this before, I couldn't find a catagorey that quite fit. I just need to tell someone what happened and get some advice for my other pig. I'm sorry that this will be so long. My guinea pig Pumba died on Saturday. He...
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