gi stasis

  1. V

    Guinea pig sages, please advise 🙏

    Hi everyone! 👋 I'm Lydia from Longmont, Colorado. Firstly, I would like to thank you all because although I just registered and this is my very first post, I have been looking at this forum on and off for tips on guinea pig care, creating DIY fleece liners, understanding piggie behavior...
  2. Nifen

    Gi stasis recovery and eating poop question

    Hello my boy is recovering from gi stasis. my vet said it was second to the hypothermia he experienced in another vets care. it's been about 2 week and he's still not eating on his own so I'm just a bit worried. He is doing a lot better and eating very little on his own but no where near enough...
  3. Nifen

    Gi stasis and bloat caused splayed leg sitting

    My boy has been diagnosed with gut stasis and bloat 2 days ago. he started sitting with his legs splayed out like hes kind of doing a sideways split and the vet said it was probably because of the bloat. I'm worried that as he sits like this it's going to cause problems with his legs. does...
  4. G

    Gut stasis

    Hi everyone , my 2 year old female guinea pig went to the vets on Sunday as she wasn't eating , she was diagnosed with gut stasis and given an injection to stimulate her gut, pain medication and some critical care. It's been two days of force feeding her and she has shown no improvement. She has...
  5. C

    Not recovering from bladder stone surgery

    Hi everyone, I posted recently our turmoil on if we should take our boy for bladder surgery or not, having discovered he had stones about 3 weeks ago. Unfortunately he became quite obviously poorly on Monday, (he was managing happily with meds until then) and we ended up taking him for an...
  6. cece78311

    GI Stasis in Guinea Pig

    Hi! So my piggy, Pepe Le' Pew, has been ill for two weeks now. I noticed that he had stopped pooping and hadn't touched his food or water in about a day at first, I took him to a vet soon after and they told me he looked okay, took a fecal sample and tested it and he had no parasites or...
  7. RheMae

    GI stasis, is this normal?

    Hi guys! My guinea Guts is in the hospital with GI stasis and we thought bloat. He only had some mild gas, and they've been amazing in treating him and communicating this time around. (Even if I get a little crazy.) I was really on them about his teeth, since it's very obvious he wants to eat...