general anaestheic

  1. Kirstones

    Dental surgery and overgrown teeth

    I need some serious advice with a dental issue I’m having with one of my pigs, 4 year old Bruce. A few weeks ago I noticed his poops getting softer so booked him in for a check up with the vet, before this came he stopped eating food completely. I took him in to the vets asap and they found...
  2. Kirstones

    Tooth root abscess and dental surgery, help!

    I’m posting on here for a bit of advice, as well as to inform others of a very specific problem I’ve been having with one of my piggies. (Skip to the end for my current situation!) I have a 4 year old guinea pig called Mavis who lives with two others, two months ago (on her 4th birthday) she...
  3. may_haines

    Abscess advice needed!

    My little piggy, Bing-Bong has just turned 2 and has an abscess on his lower back, diagnosed by vet. They drained it and sent me home with pain killers and directions to clean it with saline twice a day, and flush it with a syringe where I can. Last night I managed to properly flush it and this...
  4. S

    Bladder Pain 6 Year Old Female Pig

    Hi Everyone, I’m looking for some advice for our 6 year old pig. In April this year she had a bladder stone removed and recovered very well after the surgery. Several months passed and she started making pained noises when urinating again. We took her back to the vet fully expecting that she...