
  1. P

    Gabapentin withdrawal

    Those with piggies who used to be on gabapentin how quickly did you reduce the dose please? The vet has given me some guidance but it's partly up to me on how I do it. Nancy is squeaking in pain still but we are questioning if it's doing more harm than good.
  2. P


    Hi I'm not sure this will get answered before my vet appointment but worth a try. I have an appointment with a non guinea pig savvy vet this morning as mine is away. Nancy is in far too much pain just on metacam. She has bladder problems. What painkillers should I be asking for please? Gabepentin?
  3. L

    UTI, urine still bloody on antibiotics

    Hello all, I’m looking for help and other ideas for my 1.5-2yo (estimated) boar, Pollen. He underwent light sedation (isofluorane) at the vet on Friday 3/17 for an X-ray to rule out dental issues after about a month of one intermittently runny nostril. The X-ray was normal, but it took him the...
  4. Chonkerz

    Interstitial Cystitis cocktail of treatments—advice?

    My two female guinea pigs have been having recurring UTI’s for over a year now. Only once has any bacteria been found in one of their urines which was the last time in December but that was treated with antibiotics. The bacteria went but the blood in the urine stayed along with squeaking when...