
  1. Charlielotty

    Weekly vegetables

    Hi, so I have 4 female pigs ranging from 2.5 to 4.5 months old. I was wondering if the following is ok to feed them. Daily shared amongst the 4: 1/2 bell pepper 4 slices cucumber Small handful coriander 2 romaine lettuce leaves Then x2-3 per week they share a handful of kale, x1 week share a...
  2. Fiona1987

    Vegetable and fruit ideas.

    Heya everyone, Just after some suggestions really as I seem to have a very fussy 5 month old guinea pig. She eats hay and her pellets with no problem but when it comes to veg she will only touch lettuce, kale and a bit of spinach and in little quantities. She won’t seem to touch anything else...
  3. hannahs26

    Safe foraged garden foods for enrichment

    Following on from a post a few days ago, about a web page I'd come across with apparently safe plants for GPs ...... Wondering about the plants I have in my garden and close by, as to whether they may be safe to include for enrichment purposes within my run. Unless I hear a definite 'yes, they...
  4. HeatherW

    Feeding Fresh Fruit And Veg

    Hello everyone, I'm new to the forum and have a question about feeding fresh fruit and vegetables. What is the right amount in a day, and can you overfeed a guinea pig? I know it's not possible to overdose on vitamin C and shouldn't feed sugary foods like apples and carrots too regularly, but...
  5. Jade Smith


    I brought these today thinking they were specifically for guinea pigs, do you think they would still be ok? Could I also have some recommendations on treats and fruit/veg do them! X
  6. Medina

    Veggie Troubles! Need Help To Replace Some Things...

    Hello! I'm still new here so please be patient and pardon any ignorance hahaha So I adopted this super cute piggie from a rough situation. His whole life, he's eaten only one handful of timothy hay and half a carrot daily - that's it! I'm not sure how old he is, so I don't know how long he's...
  7. Guineapigfeet

    Pear O'clock

    My girls have never been overly enamoured by fruit offerings, particularly Rey who finds tomatoes positively terrifying. But OH was putting felt feet on my fruit bowl, so that it can safely be placed on the wooden table he's spent the last several months preparing, and whilst he was doing this...
  8. RoyalDuke

    Blackberry Leaves

    Hi all! We have PLENTY of Blackberry bushes near our house, and I've been out and picked some leaves with the intention of drying them out and storing them for my boys. They really love the dried leaves that you can buy from pet stores, so I wanted to try and make my own. Some of the leaves have...
  9. Stevenxxx

    Guinea Pig Doesn't Like Veg

    my Guinea pig is really fussy and the only vegetables he likes are carrots and romaine lettuce, I have tried everything including a few fruits but he refuses to eat anything else, I'm worried he will get a vitamin c deficiency problem so how else can I get these vitamins in him other than his...