I’ve been interested in getting my pigs used to having (supervised in a safe area) floor time. They live in a c&c and have a pop up play pen they enjoy, but I’d like to introduce them to floor time without them freezing up because of prey instinct. How can I make it less stressful for them?
Our dining room have changed layout quite a bit this week ( at least from a piggy perspective) and they've been rushing around popping (and crashing into each other) for about 20 mins. All settled down now and managed to catch a pretty rubbish picture of them all lying down, with BB out in the...
These are from floor time this past weekend. The light isn't great but hopefully you can see them scampering around (and jumping the chair legs) well enough! There were three but one has music in the back ground that was blocked :(
My three girls are somewhere around their first birthday (basically anytime in September!) BB is currently the heaviest (!) at 850g, Chewie is 830 and Rey is 780g. Here's a *few* pictures. I have got a video of them leaping the chair legs, but I haven't got around to uploading it to YouTube!
From their second floor time of the day. BB-8 jumped over my leg for the first time today :) and I caught a sneaky chooken from Rey. Chewie was just Chewie! She was a right ratbag yesterday and was sweet as pie for weighing today.
My three little pigs out for floor time this morning. I've been lying down with them for a week or so trying to get them used to me being on their level with my (rather old) camera. Chewie will nibble my nose and Rey will put her paws on my hands/feet etc. BB is a bit more cautious but she is...
for Chewie at least! She gained 40g this week and is now over 600g. Rey has remained on last weeks weight (she seems to gain every two weeks then have a rest!) and BB has gained about 20g this week and no one has injured them selves, bonus!
Rey has been seen lying down in the open more and...
I had the day off work today and as Rey still needs 3x eye drops each day, I decided to keep the girls inside.
I used their outdoor run to create a barrier keeping them in the dining room and let them run around for about 40 mins including lunch :) I had to use some tunnels and their indoor...
I hope this works! This was their first proper floor time as a trio. They have all had un-sanctioned floor time individually before. OH is worried about them peeing on the carpet. We were creating a human barrier between the safe dining room and the wires-everywhere living room and computer...
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