
  1. G

    Managing Bloat

    Hi All Last week I rushed one of my guinea pigs to an emergency vet appointment because it sounded like he was having some breathing difficulty (breaths were deep and quite laboured). The vet had a listen to his heart and chest but thought they sounded fine, she also had a feel of him and said...
  2. R

    Losing weight, but no other symptoms.

    Hi everyone, My 3 & 1/2 year old guinea pig Gretchen is usually around 1-1.1kg (she’s usually a curvy girl), but about 2 months ago she had dropped down to 870g. So I took her to the vets, who weren’t too worried as she’s still bright, alert, moving, eating, drinking, peeing, pooping, good coat...
  3. SDRB_TP

    Anyone Used Fibreplex Before?

    Hi, I’m having major struggles with the fibreplex tube I can’t get it to come out nor can I get it to come out the right amount - please could someone give me some simple tips / pictures would be even better. I’ve even been to the vets and the receptionist told me how to do it and I’m doing it...
  4. CraigGlasgow

    Funny Poop Again!

    So in the neverending saga of Weasley, he was looking better apart from the gas on Monday afternoon, so the vet started him on fibreplex to try and flush him out, upped his emeprid to 3 times a day and suggested putting him back in to a larger cage to see if he got more exercise. Last night his...
  5. Beans&Toast

    Hay Allergy, Wetting Hay And Long Term Fibreplex

    So I've had Toast back and forth at the vets as she's been breathing funny for months now; Toast's Making A Strange Sound A URI seems to have been ruled out as she's not had a runny nose or eyes and it's not gotten worse in the months it's been going on. 2 exotic specialist vets have listened...
  6. Hoppsan

    Need Suggestion On Fibreplex!

    We visited the vet after we saw blood in Hoppsan's urine, and after one year, the vet can finally see a bladder stone through x-ray... We were then prescribed Baytril(0.5ml/dosage, twice per day) to treat his possible infection in the bladder. He absolutely hated Baytril, and after 5 dosages...