eye closing

  1. W

    Ringworm nightmare

    Hello... I am looking for a bit of a handhold. I have three new guinea pig that we got just before Christmas and I have had a complete nightmare since. Unbeknown to us, one was infected with ringworm when I got it and now all three have it, one really badly. I have been to see three different...
  2. M

    Guinea pig's eye infection

    Hello, It's been around 2 months that my guinea pig's eyes has infection , I have tried to use Ciplex eye drop and it cured one of his eyes but the other eye still has cloudy secretions, it does not smell anything but i have to keep cleaning the sticked dried stuff around his eyes daily , i...
  3. L

    Persistent one eye squinting, with slight crust

    Hello, I have a young boar (approx 4-5 months) who has been with us for nearly 2 months. He is paired with my 3 year old boar and they get along well. The past 3 weeks he has been squinting his right eye; he did not have this when I first brought him home. I recently noticed he has some slight...
  4. RheMae

    Baby hairless and watery eye?

    Hi everybody. I recently got another guinea pig despite not being fully ready, because my other guinea pig Bert needed a companion. They're doing super well together, luckily. His name is Will, and he's a hairless breed, with only hair on his nose and paws. He's about a couple months old now...
  5. Guineapigs33


    I recently got Guinea pigs about 2 weeks ago. One seems perfectly healthy and the other seemed healthy for the most part when we first got her. We noticed one of her ears had no fur but her other ear did. Her ear was super red but it’s calmed down a lot since we’ve had her (one of her ears still...
  6. A

    Newborn Pig Cloudy-ish eyes and discharge?

    Hi y’all! I really appreciate the work all you do, this forum has been so helpful since I got piggies! I need some advice, I will likely end up taking her to the vet but I’m not sure what to do in the meantime since I can’t really afford an emergency visit. She was born 1/08/22 as a part of an...
  7. @the3piggies

    piggy squinting eye

    hi all! i noticed today that cookie has been squinting one of her eyes a lot and it looks a little pink. i put pictures of the eye shes squinting and her other eye at the same time. anyone know if this is bad and if so what the problem is? thanks :)
  8. C

    Guinea pig eye shut

    So my one guinea pig will not open his one eye. I'm not sure what could've happened. He is also squeaking quite a bit. Does anyone know anything that could be wrong or have any advice for me? (He is 4 months old btw)
  9. I

    Eye troubles

    Hi I am a new owner of skinny pigs I have 3 ! They are all amazing and I'm loving getting to know them and this forum has been such a help ! Two days after bringing them home we noticed one had a lot of sleep I'm his eye and he was favouring the other and we clean it for him and kept an eye on...
  10. Guptheguineapig

    Guinea pig eye closing

    Good evening/night to everyone. My lovely little pig, Tippy, who has a history or middle and now inner ear infections has recently been having her left eye closing/squinting. Her eye appears as if someone is close to her eye and the reflex is to close it, except that its permanently in this...