eye bulging

  1. M

    Heart Beating Loud/Faster than usual/Barbering/Reddish eye

    My 6 y/o female two nights ago had a blood shot, cloudy eye. Her eye also seem enlarged? Today it is looking a bit better, her doc recommended a warm compress and wiping her eye occasionally. She sees a vet on Monday. Other than that, she seems to have done some barbering near her one leg/part...
  2. Lucy2103

    Red Lump Eye

    Hello, my guinea pig has had a small red lump at the bottom of her eye ever since I can remember, very small and looked like a small bit of skin poking up a little, but the past two days it's really bulging up and looks strange like an extra mass of tissue. She's got a vet appointment tomorrow...
  3. C

    bulging eye

    Hiya, took guinea pig to the emergency vet yesterday after realising one is is bulging and the guinea pig has lost 240 grams over two weeks. the vet said it’s a tumour and the options are either surgery to remove or pts. the eye didn’t push in at all when the vet pushed suggesting there is...
  4. TaraS-D

    Possible bulging eye?

    I recently noticed that siris left eye is sticking out more than her right one. I researched into it and many sources say it could be a tumour behind her eye? I’ve experienced many other piggy eye problems before but not this. Advice and tips would be greatly appreciated!
  5. M

    Hay Poke?

    Hello all. I just got home from work and noticed my Gohper had a little blood around his eye and what looks like a skin tag on the bottom of his eye where the white is. He normally does have bulging under eyes. He seems fine, eating as normal, drinking, talking, greeted me as normal when I got...
  6. Alextz

    Retrobulbar abscess

    Hello everyone, Sorry I made another post without clarifying I had already visited the vet. I wanted to ask if any of you had success treating the same eye problem (a retrobulbar abscess) with medication? (Antibiotics) I saw one post in here and probably it's the only place I've seen one, where...