euthanasia help

  1. I

    Severe dental infection

    Hi I have a older guinea pig named Samwise that I adopted two months ago. He was checked at the sheltered and they told me everything was good. They told me at the shelter that they found him in a park, somebody had just left him there. Since I adopted him, he is underweight. He weights around...
  2. T

    Deciding on euthanasia in ER

    Hey guys. My male is in the ER. I brought him in at 1am on saturday for laboured breathing and weight loss along with not eating that day. He has been there around 30 hours now. I’m afraid I’ll have to euthanize him to stop his pain but I know I’m not ready to lose him. His cage mate has also...
  3. K

    Senior Piggy Face Abcess

    Hello, I'm new here and understand that this forum isn't a substitute for legitimate veterinary care, but my situation is somewhat unique and I could use whatever advice you may have to offer. I should start by saying that my 6 year old male guinea pig, Snickers, is not well socialized...
  4. C

    Bladder stones: surgery vs euthanasia advice

    Hi there, Sorry for the long post, but we’d really appreciate any advice, stories, anyone can give. Our boy is about 4-5 years old (he was a rescue so unsure exactly), and about 3 weeks ago developed signs of bladder stones. He’s seen the vet twice, been given pain relief, anti inflammatories...
  5. M

    What to do with my poorly pig?

    Hi all, I have a Guinea pig, who lives alone (don’t come for me. He used to have a partner who died last year and have tried to bond numerous times with the help of Guinea pig sanctuaries etc but no luck). He’s 6 next month and has been a fairly healthy pig. He has been loosing weight so he has...