end of life care

  1. Queenjellybeany

    Keeping her comfortable

    Hey guys! I rescued an older pig last year and after a couple of vet appointments we’ve decided she is reaching end of life now (she’s 7, has lots of lumps that feel cancerous) so she’s just on pain relief every morning now. She still runs up for food, is eating and drinking and pottering...
  2. Cryptillian

    When to say goodbye?

    I hope it’s ok if I skip the usual care rundown since he’s terminal and I’ve done everything I can, I have been struggling so horribly with this because my grandma is also dying and one of our dogs has cancer as well. Going to start by saying Pumba is 7 1/2 years old and had a massive bladder...
  3. Puddles1999

    Please help

    I’m sorry I’ve posted a thread kind of about this about milk thistle. The last week, my last remaining girl randomly puffed up and had soft poops. Took her to er and found nothing out. She’s been on metoclopromide and meloxicam. Her diarrhea got worse and I seen metoclopromide could make poops...
  4. N

    Elderly guinea pig appetite

    Hi everyone, it’s been a while since i posted here but Nox has been having some recent troubles so here goes... Nox is almost 6 and a half and I am so grateful hes lasted this long. He’s always been a very chunky, sassy old man. However, recently he’s lost around 300 grams. (He was previously...
  5. Qualcast&Flymo

    Am I being unkind?

    This is a hard post to write ... Squeaks is suddenly but clearly declining, I don't want him to suffer but he doesn't seem ready to go ... The oral thrush that so nearly killed him Wet chin is cleared up, I noticed yesterday that the bubbly breathing that came with it has stopped too. But...
  6. Bethan

    Clarice has lymphoma

    Evening all, Just thought I’d make a post here as I’m feeling really low tonight. We first had a piggie with lymphoma last year. He was almost 6 years old and we’d had him since he was 7 months. He passed around 6 weeks after diagnosis, but he was happy and eating until the very end, and...
  7. t3ddy

    how do you comfort your pig at the end of their life?

    One of my older pigs (about six and a half y/o) is having trouble walking and refuses to eat. I already have an appointment for the vet in three hours, but I’ve had older pigs pass before and I’m not hopeful that this is any different, especially because she’s always had some medical problems. I...
  8. Avior

    One of our two piggies died a few days ago, what should we do?

    A few days ago, one of our pigs, buttons, died due to old age. A peaceful death in her sleep. Our remaining pig, doughnuts, has been moved to another cage because we feared that if we put her back in the old one without her sister, she might give up. I know a lot of people say to get another...
  9. lokie_dokie

    How to care for my geriatric guinea pig

    My sweet lokie-dokie is almost 8 years old. Life has changed so much for him this past year. He's totally deaf and almost blind. He sleeps a lot. He has really bad arthritis so he only hops around to get food and to move from one side of the cage to the other depending on the time of day. But...
  10. piggygal

    Congestive Heart Failure... Need Advice

    Hey all, I am new to this forum but this seemed like a good place to join. My 3.7 yo male skinny Truffle is sadly in heart failure I believe. He was diagnosed with an enlarged heart a year ago and has been on Pimodenan twice a day for the past year. Periods of wheezing and hooting would...