eating and losing weight

  1. P

    What can fatten up a guinea pig?

    Hi everyone, my piggie Silvio has a lump under his neck and they are going to be doing a CT scan on him. The vet says there are risks to the scan since he will have to be put under anesthesia, and extra risk since he is underweight. We have been feeding him double takes of Emeraid but are...
  2. Puddles1999

    Gradual weight loss & ovarian cysts

    Hi everyone. I posted a few months back about my Minnie losing a bit of weight. She was always around 1000 and she dropped down to 880-890. She maintained around there until this month. She went from 860 to 843 and then 3 days later to 794. She’s since been checked by a vet and she said she...
  3. RheMae

    Guinea pig eating normally, drinking a bit more, but losing steadily?

    Hi guys! So I recently lost two piggies, my Judo and Guts. It's been hard going, but of course, Bert had a check up. I noticed he was drinking more water than normal. His poos are very dark, regular shaped, sometimes pinched off, and shiny. So overall, healthy, as far as I know. He was treated...
  4. Fiona1987

    How much critical care to give.

    Evening fellow piggy parents, My little piggy has been off his food since this morning and his hay intake has also been low with him just picking a few bits. He’s been pretty quiet just sitting in the corner of his cage for the majority of the day so something definitely up. He’s off to the...
  5. lilpumpkamo

    Mystery hair loss near back legs during persistent UTI

    Hello all, I am stumped so I wanted to crowdsource some info from other guinea pig owners. This is mostly a TLDR I wrote a lot under the images on Imgur. Here is her history: Age: I have had Kaylor for 3.5 years, unsure of her age as I rescued her but let's guess about 5 years old now...
  6. W

    My guinea pig is so skinny! I don't know whats wrong

    First off I do have to say my guinea pig is quite old, she's around 7 years old. For the past little while she's become very skinny and lethargic but she's still very ravenous when food or treats are coming..the only problem is, she doesn't chew properly, not the way she used to atleast or like...
  7. Danielle Smith

    Low blood pressure in guinea pigs?

    Skip to *bold* to read about my current issue. Here's some backstory in case it helps. I have a 20 month old neutered boar, Flash. Until a couple of weeks ago he lived with his brother Quint. They were (and still are) the happiest and laziest pigs I have ever seen; literally no dominance...
  8. AdamFrench

    Multiple Sow Issues

    We are having no luck at the moment. Tao was taken into the vets for a repeat white bum. She had 10 days on Baytril and the symptoms would not remain away. An x-ray showed she had a thickened uterus wall. So another 28 day course, double dose, was prescribed. She stopped eating so the...
  9. Bethika

    Completely Confused, Poorly Piggy?

    Hey all. So I posted about my little Daisy making wheezing noises a few weeks ago. It seems it was behavioural after all and she's stopped. She now seems to have lost weight, bony spine etc. We're weighing her. She's been pulling fur our a little from her tummy and I'm worried now she might...
  10. FluffyB

    Hyperthyroidism In Guinea Pigs

    Hello all, I have been referring to your forum for information and advice while trying to care for my guinea pigs; one of which died Friday morning. I want to share the medical info so that hopefully it can help someone else, who may be searching these boards for help and answers. Fuff was 5...