dental problem

  1. I

    Severe dental infection

    Hi I have a older guinea pig named Samwise that I adopted two months ago. He was checked at the sheltered and they told me everything was good. They told me at the shelter that they found him in a park, somebody had just left him there. Since I adopted him, he is underweight. He weights around...
  2. Azadi

    Dental issues even after multiple surgeries

    My female guinea pig who is 2yrs and 8 Months old is having dental issues since last 4 Months now. She has got 2 dental surgery and multiple trims as her inner teeth on the right had her tongue pressed. I am syringe feeding her oxbow pellets and oxbow supplement pellets for last 2 months but no...
  3. LWB

    My guinea pig has tooth root abscess, have anyone ever take their guinea pig to get lower teeth extracted?

    Hello, I'm from Thailand and not a native speaker so I'm sorry for my English in advance. One of my guinea pigs is about 2 years old, he has been having tooth abscesses for 4 months now. The vet recommended us to have the tooth extracted because it is likely that said tooth's root is the cause...
  4. Kirstones

    Dental surgery and overgrown teeth

    I need some serious advice with a dental issue I’m having with one of my pigs, 4 year old Bruce. A few weeks ago I noticed his poops getting softer so booked him in for a check up with the vet, before this came he stopped eating food completely. I took him in to the vets asap and they found...
  5. LadyC

    3 holes on tooth? (Picture)

    I noticed that my 5 years old piggy started chewing slowly, sometimes it looked like something were stuck in her teeth that she was trying to get rid off. Today I discovered this on her lower incisor, it looks like three small holes. I’m going to call the vet after the weekend, just wanted to...
  6. kxitlynx

    dental issues

    hi, my guinea pig Bojack (4 years old) had a dental done on his teeth yesterday, as he had some bad spurs preventing him from eating, also dribbling etc. he seems no better this morning (24 hours passed), he's hardly eating and not himself still yet, he's still dribbling, i'm syringe feeding him...
  7. Puddles1999

    Lost both bottom incisors

    Hi everyone. So a few weeks ago penelope had broke her top left incisor. Didn’t really cause any issues, had the opposing one filed as it grew a bit long and that was it. It grew back in just fine. A week or 2 later, she breaks off her top right incisor. Same thing. Ended up being fine. I...
  8. G

    Problem with teeth

    Hi! I was at the vets with my guinea pig before Christmas with dental problem and he said the piggy had tooth abscess and gave him antibiotics for 2 weeks. Now after them he started chewing on one side and barely eats any veggies I syringe feed him every day. It is not about lack of want to eat...
  9. Puddles1999

    Looking for vet recommendations

    Not sure if this is the right area to post this in. I looked and thought this would fit best. I know this is an UK based forum, however I’m sure there are Guinea owners on here that are from the us as well. I’ve been having issues with Penelope’s dental problems. She just had a procedure on...
  10. D

    Dental issues

    Hello All, I'm new here, my name is Rosie and I have 5 piggies. I have 4 girls and one boy neutered. I recently took one of the girls ages about 3/4 to the vets as her teeth were wearing at an angle. Today she has been in for dental surgery for the molars. The surgeon has called me afterwards...
  11. T

    Any hope? Lower jaw tooth root issue

    Hi, I have a guinea pig that turned three yesterday. One month ago today, we noticed that she had stopped eating. We took her to the emergency vet, have completed front and back tooth trimming under anesthesia, three weeks of antibiotics, and pain medication. We noted that she developed a mass...
  12. RheMae

    Guinea pig wanted to eat, had malocclusion, now doesn't want to eat.

    He was doing so much better. He wasn't eating but he wanted to. He no longer wants to. He won't close his mouth with syringe feeds, he's losing weight. It feels like it happened overnight. He stopped pooping all of a sudden. We took him to 3 hospitals. When I last saw him, about 2 days ago...
  13. B

    Wonky teeth - any experience?

    Hi all! I have a 5.5 year old pig who has recently had an issue with her teeth - they got a little long and one of her top incisors is growing at an angle which will either hit her bottom ones or slot behind them. She went off her food for a couple of days and that's when we noticed. She has...
  14. basicpiggies

    Weird Chewing

    Hi everyone, Last night, I noticed two of my guinea pigs chewing in a very exaggerated form. Lips pulled back and their ears moving back as they’re chewing sometimes. At first, I thought it was something stuck in their mouths. Today, they’re still doing it. One more than the other. One of them...
  15. Phoenix1998

    Making the right call for jaw problems

    Hi, One of my girls has been having some issues with her jaw for a while now. She developed an abscess just before Christmas in her right cheek. We treated with antibiotics, draining and flushing it. That cleared up well and she was fine again. She never really stopped eating, just slowed down...
  16. M


    Hi all! I'm in the unfortunate situation of having a two year old boar, Puff, with dental issues. Two weeks ago he underwent X-rays and a trimming. The vet did not notice anything in the back, just slanted incisors, which she filed. He's been eating grass, critical care and greens in his...
  17. B

    Dental Dental Issue in Pig

    my guinea pig bandit has something wrong with his teeth. i first noticed it today. he has cuts on his mouth and his two top teeth are misaligned and loose with the gums between them also looking like there’s something wrong. does anyone know what this could be or what caused it? he also cant eat...
  18. songbird35

    Dental Guinea pig still not able to eat after dental work

    Hi there, first time poster, hope I do this correctly! My six year old guinea pig Pumpkin stopped eating completely two days ago aside from grain. She'd gradually been going off her food. I took her to the vet as soon as I realised how severe the problem had become and it turned out her bottom...
  19. N

    malocclusion: what do I do?

    Hello, my name is Ewa and my guinea pig is Apollo! He’s a 6 year old white crested boy. Yes he’s an old guy. So Apollo has malocclusion and has had his back teeth done 3 times over the past 2 and a half months. He is also developing problems with his front teeth growing unequally and the top...
  20. W

    Chipped teeth

    My boar Bear has been chewing bars relentlessly as Womble (sow who lives next-door) is in heat. I tried to block off the pen bars with a blanket and bulldog clips but he would just bite the clips and burrow under the blanket. Today he was bar biting again but there was a sudden noise of...