dental health

  1. I

    Severe dental infection

    Hi I have a older guinea pig named Samwise that I adopted two months ago. He was checked at the sheltered and they told me everything was good. They told me at the shelter that they found him in a park, somebody had just left him there. Since I adopted him, he is underweight. He weights around...
  2. Azadi

    Dental issues even after multiple surgeries

    My female guinea pig who is 2yrs and 8 Months old is having dental issues since last 4 Months now. She has got 2 dental surgery and multiple trims as her inner teeth on the right had her tongue pressed. I am syringe feeding her oxbow pellets and oxbow supplement pellets for last 2 months but no...
  3. Luca_jones

    Teeth filing down.

    Hello all, my sow squirrel is getting her teeth filed down on Friday at the vets under sedation. She’s struggling to eat as her teeth are wonky and her jaw is misaligned, so she’s lost some weight. I don’t know much about sedation, so does anybody have info/advice? I’m so worried for my girl...
  4. Kirstones

    Dental surgery and overgrown teeth

    I need some serious advice with a dental issue I’m having with one of my pigs, 4 year old Bruce. A few weeks ago I noticed his poops getting softer so booked him in for a check up with the vet, before this came he stopped eating food completely. I took him in to the vets asap and they found...
  5. Skunks_n.bees

    Messy Eater or Dental Issues?

    Hi, I’m a first time piggie owner, and I can’t get an answer as to whether or not my pig is a messy eater or if she has dental issues. So basically, my girl Sherlock always gets a wet chin when she’s eating food. It’s not wet any other time, but I read that a wet chin can be related to dental...