
  1. O

    Post-teeth trim hog not eating

    Greetings! Our guinea pig was having trouble eating a few days ago, so we called our local vet (not specialized) to have it checked. His mouth was full of food, so we were told to come again soon. We came in the day after, and lo and behold, his hind teeth (mortars, or what you people call them)...
  2. KatieK

    Recovering Piggy Won’t Eat Normally

    Hi Everyone! My precious little Toto (4.5 years) has been having a few health problems lately - one after another it seems. It started with a runny/gunky eye, and then a dental abscess and on-off tummy pain/stopping pooping. He seems to be prone to any pain related issues affecting his guts...
  3. M


    Hi all! I'm in the unfortunate situation of having a two year old boar, Puff, with dental issues. Two weeks ago he underwent X-rays and a trimming. The vet did not notice anything in the back, just slanted incisors, which she filed. He's been eating grass, critical care and greens in his...
  4. MissLee

    Crunch sticks?

    Hello piggy pals! Recently I've bought my Skinny pig, Edwin these tasty looking Crunch Sticks for bordom and dentalhealth. He's eating them just fine but...under the tasty edible glaze there's a plank of wood? Is this safe for him to be ingesting?almost looks splintering but I'm not sure. He...
  5. mexiguineapigmother

    Guinea pig won't eat after dental work

    Hi, my name is Jocelyn. I have a 5-year-old guinea pig who recently got his teeth trimmed because he broke one of his incisors. They trimmed the one next to it to make it even so he could eat better. the vet also did the incisors at the top because she said they were getting curled. A couple of...
  6. Jesse's pigs

    Dental Dental

    So Steve is going to have his teeth trimmed tomorrow. I know for sure his two bottom incisors need doing...his back molars I’m not too sure they feel okay to me but he isn’t the easiest to check as he tries to take your fingers off😂😂 Now, I am taking him to my practice as they do bunny and piggy...
  7. H

    Dental My guinea pig is not eating and we are not finding a concrete solution

    Hi Three weeks ago, we noticed that out three year old female guinea pig (Jupiter) was unable to eat. She was trying to eat, but was unable to bite. We went to a vet, but he did not gave a substantial cure. We changed the vet. Went to vet number 2. Even he didn't had the required expertise and...
  8. C

    Dental Is this a tooth/gum diease forming? - overgrown teeth

    I just fed her parsley, but is it an issue that it’s building around her gums like this. Please help or give opinion if very much appreciate it