death of guinea pig

  1. K

    Death of Young Guinea Pig

    Hi, I’m just posting because I'm absolutely devastated about the death of my 9 month old guinea pig and I guess I hoping someone here might help me gain closure / process what has happened. Sorry for the long description. To try to summarise, my previously perfectly healthy little piggy gradually...
  2. M

    My Bubba is trying to cross the rainbow bridge. What’s normal?

    I had made a previous post about my piggy being in poor condition after returning home from a funeral out of state. Today I think he is crossing the rainbow bridge. He was very vocal last night and I gave him some time to rest after having him drink lots of water and eat (he was having trouble...
  3. Cryptillian

    I miss them so much

    I lost all 4 of my seniors within the past year, ages 6-8. I am losing my grandma and one of our dogs has a huge tumor on her throat, cancer is most likely taking everything from me this year. I just wanted to say with our dogs, they are both seniors and disabled and the female was rescued from...
  4. squeakly

    Sudden death in guinea pig

    Hi all, My girlfriend’s guinea pig, Jackson, very suddenly passed away today at the age of 2. Hugo and Jackson were fed this morning and both seemed fine. My girlfriend went out and when she got back, Jackson was unconscious and his body was very cold. He died not long after. This is all very...
  5. UltraVioletKaty

    Guinea Pig suddenly passing away

    Hi there, I'm new here so please bear with me. To fill everyone in, I got my two little guinea pig babies in November 2021, I had them growing up and always wanted my own when I had the space. I have two little brothers, Koda and Bear. The whole time I have had them had no issues when them not...
  6. T

    For those who have lost their piggy and are now left with one but are not ready/do not want another piggy…please read.

    Hello all, if you are a grieving guinea pig parent, I am firstly so sorry for your loss. If you have a single guinea pig now and are concerned with what to do and are not fully ready to get a second guinea pig and/or you do not want another guinea pig, this post is for you. So recently I had...
  7. basicpiggies

    Struggling with death of guinea pig

    Hi everyone, Today was a VERY unexpectedly bad day. My guinea pig, since her checkup in August, has just kept getting thinner. She LOVED to eat, and always took her veggies, but she just could not keep her weight. Last night, she was perfectly normal. This morning, I woke up and she showed...
  8. B

    Cage mate dies - What should I do?

    Hey guys... Recently my guinea pig (F- Jelly -almost four years old), passed away recently. I have one other guinea pig (F- bean - four years old), and I'm not sure what to do. I know guinea pigs become very sad after the loss of a cage mate. I've been already trying to spend as much time with...
  9. M

    Worried about my guinea pig herd

    Hello! I would like to talk about the situation that I had to go through last night. I am heartbroken and would like peer advice, since I have no financial support for a necropsy as it is over 2K USD in my area. Last night, two of my guinea pigs out of my ten had passed away suddenly and...
  10. K

    Guinea pig passed suddenly and feeling guilty

    Hi. Sorry that my first post in this forum is a sad one. I adopted 2 guinea pigs in April 2021 who were around 2 years old. Their previous owners had lost interest and were allergic so I was glad to give them a new home, especially as the previous owners said that others who had shown interest...
  11. lauryn1289

    Pig died suddenly, confused if I made the right decisions

    Hi, I’m not sure if this is the right place to post so sorry if it’s not. My pigs, Rico and Kip had been cagemates since 2017. I got Rico in 2016 and think he was around 6. Very suddenly a few days ago he stopped eating and was very inactive, we brought him to the vet who said it seems like...
  12. I

    R.I.P Sugar :(

    my darling guinea pig Sugar died in her sleep :( I haven't cried that hard in a while. she was 5 years old. I'm not sure why she died but it might have just been old age :( I'm not home rn but my parents said she looked peaceful so I'm glad.
  13. S

    New Guinea pig after death

    Last night my Guinea pig stevie died leaving his 4 year old cagemate alyx alone. I know that Guinea pigs are social animals so we are looking for a new one. But how old should it be? If we got a younger one (a baby), I'm afraid that it would be alone after alyxs death and we would have to keep...
  14. Fandoq

    My guinea pig died yesterday

    Hello. I'm new here and I'm not sure how this works. But I have to write or I'm gonna explode. My guinea pig "Fandoq" ( which means hazelnut in English) died yesterday. He had kidney stones and he's been taking medications for a month or so. He refused to eat and he lost his appetite but I gave...
  15. lialway


    Hi i’m new to the forum i joined just now because my guinea pig isn’t doing very good he is around 5/6 years old. i woke up today to give them their food, and he usually comes running but he came very slowly and took small to no bites of it. he has this stuff coming out of his mouth and eyes...
  16. Sammoo101

    A Mourning Boar

    Last week I lost one of my guinea pigs very suddenly. He left behind 2 cage mates one 4 years old named Brownie and that was with S'more(my g pig that passed) for his entire life and another guinea pig(Puddin) and he is just under a year. Their reaction has been worrying me. Brownie has...
  17. G

    9 month old guinea pig passed, vet had no answers

    this past tuesday, a guinea pig i took in from a neglect situation passed away. she was very clearly sick when i got her at around 4 months old - had been fed only pellets, literally sitting in her own pee, being kept in a hamster cage, chunk ripped out of her ear, visibly underdeveloped and...
  18. S

    Unexpected loss of 8 month old boar.....

    Hi, I’m wondering if anyone can help. We’ve had guinea pigs for several years and never encountered this problem. I had two eight month old boars and one (Krug) unfortunately had to be put to sleep on Christmas Eve. We’re devastated because he was so sweet but now have a problem. The remaining...
  19. C.Courtney0310

    Eevee <3

    Hi everyone I just went to a vet an hour away for 6 hours and with a bill of $450 just to find one of my guinea pigs, Eevee, passed away. I don't know what to do. I'm letting Pandora see her right now but she seems to be scared. I've only had them both since September and it seems like she...
  20. W

    Guinea pigs both dying oddly

    Hello, i made an account here to check on something. My baby girl ray, died a few weeks back. I loved her so much, and i was so broken to see her go. Unfortunately my other piggy yui took it really hard so i had to get a new one. Sure as heck she died too this morning, the same way. The key...