death of cage mate

  1. M

    Death of a cage mate

    I’ve had two Guinea pigs for almost 7 years now. One of them unfortunately passed away 3 days ago. I’ve read online that you should get your pig a new friend. The brother of the pig who passed away does not seem extremely upset and I don’t know if it’s the right thing to do to get another pig. I...
  2. amelchor005

    Senior Guinea Pig Alone

    Hello everyone, it's been YEARS since I last posted here (so long that both of my guinea pigs in my PFP are long deceased) 😅. Anyways, my current guinea pig, Lucy, lost her cage mate today due to kidney problems and she is alone once again. She also had another mate last year but died due to age...
  3. UltraVioletKaty

    Guinea Pig suddenly passing away

    Hi there, I'm new here so please bear with me. To fill everyone in, I got my two little guinea pig babies in November 2021, I had them growing up and always wanted my own when I had the space. I have two little brothers, Koda and Bear. The whole time I have had them had no issues when them not...
  4. T

    For those who have lost their piggy and are now left with one but are not ready/do not want another piggy…please read.

    Hello all, if you are a grieving guinea pig parent, I am firstly so sorry for your loss. If you have a single guinea pig now and are concerned with what to do and are not fully ready to get a second guinea pig and/or you do not want another guinea pig, this post is for you. So recently I had...
  5. T

    My guinea pig died and now her sister is all alone, please help seeking advice

    I used to have 4 guinea pigs, over time they each passed away. When it came to only having 2 left, one of them had unfortunately a few days ago passed away, leaving only 1 behind. My guinea pig that is still alive was the last one I had ever gotten, so my 4th, she was a rescue and when I...
  6. CocoandGingerPiggies

    Death of guinea pig

    Hello, Coco recently passed away from unknown causes, she died very quickly with no warning symptoms or time to take her to the vet (we live in a very rural area). i still have one remaining guinea pig however. she and coco were bonded since birth and i’m sure ginger is missing her. Would...
  7. Lunapxggies

    tumor maybe?

    My 3 year old pig passed last night with absolutely no signs of sickness her weight was fluctuating but nothing insane she wasn’t losing or gaining very fast, i was told it was normal and just because of the weather changes. I’m terrifed she had some sickness that will take my other pigs...
  8. xillreall

    Serious fungal infection?

    I've recently lost one of my beloved piggy named Butter (had 2), not sure was it due to sudden change of temperature as it had only been a month since I moved him out from the kitchen (a bit far away from stove of course) that he used to grow and live for about a year since he joined the family...
  9. B

    Cage mate dies - What should I do?

    Hey guys... Recently my guinea pig (F- Jelly -almost four years old), passed away recently. I have one other guinea pig (F- bean - four years old), and I'm not sure what to do. I know guinea pigs become very sad after the loss of a cage mate. I've been already trying to spend as much time with...