cyst care

  1. R

    Guinea Pig - Travelling with Cystic Ovaries

    First, thank you to this community for providing so much good advice that has helped me care for my guinea pigs! I have concerns about an upcoming car journey with the pigs when I suspect one of them has cystic ovaries. The trip is in a month and mandatory since I am moving for work. It will...
  2. J

    Cyst filled with blood

    Hi guys! I’ve been very worried about my Guinea pig. Her name is munchie and she is around 6. We rescued her because the original owners didn’t want her so we took her in. My concern is that on her right side near her front foot kind of on her belly/armpit. There is a giant cyst that wasn’t...
  3. gracehumn

    Popped cyst or abscess

    hi everyone! i’m baby sitting my friends guinea pig while he’s out of town, my little baby lenny. and he had a really large ball under his neck. i was pretty sure it was a cyst but wasn’t 100% a couple days ago a it popped and now it looks like this. i’ve been cleaning it with salt water but...