crusty nipples

  1. bagel

    My 2yo sow is suddenly extremely hungry

    Hi there! I have two 2 year old sows, one of which has been acting very odd recently. The two of them currently have a cold and what I suspect to be a fungal infection, they are yet to go on treatment for them. But one (Moon) has been so hungry today it’s like she has never eaten before?! I took...
  2. Shaivy

    Diagnosis of Mammary inflammation and biopsy questions

    Hi guys, my female guinea pig was recently diagnosed with mammary inflammation, she has a swollen blue nipple which was bleeding as well. the vet said it's not a tumor and he seemed pretty confident about it.He also did an FNAC to confirm if its a tumor or not.......... So, is there anyone whose...
  3. G

    Old girl

    Hi all, I have a (nearly) 4 year old female called Ginger, the past few months I’ve noticed some changes in her: the whites of the her eye coming over into the colour and a small lump along her spine (near the rib cage). I’ve had her out today and I’ve noticed her nipples have some sort of...
  4. Georgia's_Guineas

    Crusty nipples

    A couple of weeks ago I noticed Panda had developed crusty nipples. I researched online and it said it could possibly be linked to ovarian cysts, so I took her to the vet for a checkup. They weren’t concerned about it and gave me some wet wipes to clean her with. (I don’t know if this is worth...
  5. rendzsikeee

    How long can we wait?

    Hi, I tried to book an appointment with the vet (one that I haven't been before) and when no one got back to me I phoned them up and I suppose they must be swamped, because I've got an appointment for a week from now and I'm not sure if we can wait that long. So my piggie started having more...
  6. S

    Hair loss and runny eyes

    Hello, We adopted a guinea from Petsmart where my daughter works. This female guinea (Nova) had health problems when she was little with runny eyes and some other issues that I can't remember now. Petsmart put her in quarantine and had a vet looking in on her for a couple of months. She was...
  7. Stewybus


    Older sows can be prone to ovarian cysts & also bladder stones stuck in their urethra. Please check your girls regularly especially if they are making any unusual noises. It usually affects over 4 year olds more but isn’t unknown in 3 year olds. For ovarian cysts there are 2 things to look...
  8. E

    Ovarian Cysts?

    Hi I have two female guinea pigs that are either 3 or 4 years old. They both eat and drink except that when I try to take them out to exercise they just sit in the corner but I think they just are scared. My concern is that one of my piggies nipples are crusty. The right one is bigger and...