
  1. Kallasia

    Online Pet Show! For M.E. Awareness Day

    Pet owners! In aid of Action for M.E. there's an online pet show raising money and awareness. Enter your pet in categories from "Most Handsome Boy" to "Tails & Tongues" :) Fancy winning a rosette for your pet? Last entry is 3rd June. There's real rosettes and even a trophy up for grabs! And...
  2. WinnieandBear

    Cage Liners And Cosies For Charity

    hello, I am planning a clear out and to replace my fleece liners and cosies this month. I have a few good quality cage liners for 4x2 and 3x2 C&C cages - (my girls are in a smaller cage at the moment due to bears recent operations and hernia and was advised to limit her space to allow healing...
  3. BossHogg

    Bosshogg's Great North Run 2016

    Hi all, as you can see from my signature, I have lost a substantial amount of weight. To give me the incentive to continue losing weight and get fit, I have entered the Great North Run 2016. I am a volunteer for the British Red Cross Society and...