boy guinea pigs

  1. A

    Hurt foot

    Hello everyone! This is my first post here, very nice to meet you all. I have two guinea pigs, father and son (Chibs and Thunder) 1 year old and 4 months old. Two days ago, the younger one hurt his foot while jumping from one of the wooden houses in their cage. As a result, he kept his foot up...
  2. P

    I need help finding out if my guinea pig's behavior is a warning sign or not..

    I've had my guinea pig Gizmo for about a year or so, he was a year old when we received him from his previous owners and he was such a loving and curious little piggy. I absolutely love him, and I always tried to spend time with him whenever I could despite my busy schedule. We also have another...
  3. J

    New pig owner and one of my pigs is breathing a bit fast

    Hi all, I am new to the Guinea pig scene and just a few days ago I got myself two lovely boys, they seem happy, they make the right noises and they eat and go to the toilet normally and all seems healthy, however one of the boys seems a bit shy and after I try to interact with him his breathing...
  4. K

    Something stuck on his paw pad?

    Hi I was hoping someone could offer some help this is my guinea pig Manny, I noticed a few days ago this little thing on his right front paw, at first it looked like a poo stuck but when I tried to get it off it won’t budge, I’m scared to pull on it incase it hurts him or incase it isn’t a poo...
  5. M

    Should I get my (male) guinea pig a friend?

    I had females growing up and introducing them was pretty easy. I’ve heard boys are a lot more difficult. I adopted my boy, Wilbur, about a year and a half ago. He’s about 3-4 now, and I was told he lived on his own his whole life but seemed interested in the guinea pigs in the neighboring cage...
  6. E

    Fighting males, what is best?

    Hi, We have two young male GP’s (approx 6 months) they’re lovely natured but very different characters who just do not seem to be able to get along. There will be teeth chattering from the smaller pig, Carlos, towards his ‘brother’ within five minutes of them being together and he isn’t afraid...
  7. L

    HELP! My pig is hooting!

    Hello! My boy Pip has started making hooting noises! Since last night, he has not moved very far from his little house. I would say Pip is a little bit of an over achiever when it comes to his day to day life so I am very worried for him. He will not eat his favorite hay, nor will he drink...
  8. P

    Naming my boys 💛

    Hello, I’m new to this page💫 So I’ve owned quite a few piggies, but currently I have two females, Poppy and panda💛 and for the last week or so I’ve been looking after two boys pigs and they were one of my neighbours and they were neglected and not living the best life😢 so after a bit of...